Death of George Washington



Y/M/D Description Place
1799/07/09 Washington's will directs that Upon Decease of his wife, all of his slaves are to be freed, young ones to be provided for until age 25, taught to read, write and pursue an occupation. Those too old or ill are to be supported.
1799/12/12 George Washington, astride his horse, supervises farming activities at Mount Vernon from late morning until three in the afternoon. The weather changed from light snow to hail and then to rain. Washington ate dinner in his damp clothes.
1799/12/13 Nursing a sore throat, Washington ventures through 3 inches of snow to select trees for removal at the hanging wood area on the east side of the Mansion.
1799/12/14 Washington awakes with difficulty breathing, Tobias Lear sends for George Rawlins, an overseer at Mount Vernon, and for Washington's physician for 40 years, Dr James Craik.
1799/12/14 Despite Martha's concerns, George Rawlins withdraws a half-pint of blood from the General.
1799/12/14 Lear sends for a second doctor, Dr Gustavus Brown of Port Tobacco who was known for his moderate treatments. Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/14 Dr Craik examines Washington and, in an attempt to balance the humors in Washington's body, induces a blister on his throat. Craik also bleeds Washington a second time and prescribes a mixture of vinegar and sage tea for gargling. Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/14 The patient receives an enema, but with no improvement, Washington is bled for the fourth and final time. It was later reported that a 32 ounces of blood was drawn during this last bleeding.
1799/12/14 Dr Craik administers an emetic to induce vomiting, George Washington's condition worsens.
1799/12/14 George has Martha bring his two wills from his study. After reviewing, Washington selects one and Martha burns the other. Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/14 Washington tells Lear, "Do you arrange and record all my late military letters and papers. Arrange my accounts and settle my books, as you know more about them than anyone else, and let Mr Rawlins finish recording my other letters which he has begun." Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/14 Dr Craik prescribes blisters and cataplasms to be applied to Washington's feet and legs.
1799/12/14 Attended by his wife who sat at the foot of the bed, Dr Craik and Tobias Lear, housemaids Caroline, Molly and Charlotte, and his valet Christopher Sheels, George Washington dies of acute epiglottitis in his bedchamber at Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/18 George Washington is interred in a private manner, without parade, or funeral Oration during a Masonic burial at Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon Estate, VA, Mt Vernon, VA
1799/12/24 A United States Congressional committee recommends a monument to be erected in honor of George Washington. Washington Monument, Washington, DC
1800/01/00 Delaware General Assembly, immediately upon convening in January 1800, resolved that a portrait be commissioned in consequence of the eventful and ever to be lamented death of the late illustrious chief and friend of America General George Washington. Old Statehouse, Dover, DE, Dover, DE
1800/01/20 George Washington's will is probated at the Virginia Fairfax County Courthouse by George Deneale, the Clerk of Court. The will is still at the Fairfax County Courthouse. Fairfax County Courthouse, Fairfax, VA
1800/01/20 As stipulated in Washington's will, William Lee is given immediate emancipation and a 30-dollar annuity "for his faithful services during the Revolutionary War." Fairfax County Courthouse, Fairfax, VA
1800/02/09 First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte orders ten days of mourning throughout France. Black crape is hung on flags and standards throughout the Republic. Napoleon and other leaders attend a funeral oration for Washington in the council-hall of Les Invalides. Les Invalides, Paris

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