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A Night at the Opera (film)

  • Type: Film

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Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1935/00/00 George S Kaufman Screenwriter Appalled by an early draft of the script, Groucho Marx request that George Kaufman and Morrie Ryskind to do a rewrite.
1935/00/00 Marx Brothers Actors "A Night at the Opera " is released.
1935/00/00 Sam Wood Director "A Night at the Opera " is released.
1975/00/00 Queen Life Queen watches the Marx Brothers film "A Night at the Opera" one night at the studio when they were recording their own "A Night at the Opera".

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Particulars for A Night at the Opera (film):
Narrative Arts Comedy, Humor the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech.
Art Type Film
Narrative Arts Live Action
Narrative Arts Narrative an account of connected events
Boat Type Ocean Liner a large luxurious passenger ship of a type formerly used in regular service

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