Ernest Haycox

  • American

Ernest Haycox was a native of Portland and successor to Zane Grey in the development of the western novel. He launched his career in the 1920s by writing pieces for pulp magazines. Free Grass, his first novel, brought out in 1929, established his reputation in the literary genre. His work was serialized in Colliers Magazine and The Saturday Evening Post for good payment. He prospered through the Depression with his publishers, Doubleday and Little Brown and Company. Noteworthy among the 25 novels to his credit is Stage to Lordsburg, which was adapted for the screen as the John Ford classic, Stagecoach. Haycox's writing evolved over 30 years from formula westerns to more universal themes in western settings. The last, and in the estimation of some, the best of these was The Earthbreakers, which he wrote shortly before his death in 1950. - NRHP


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1899/10/01 Ernest Haycox is born in Portland, Oregon, to Martha Burghardt and William James Haycox. Born
1937/04/10 Ernest Haycox's short story, "Stage to Lordsburg," is published in Colliers magazine. The story is based on "Boule de Suif" (Ball of Fat) a short story by French author Guy de Maupassant. Author Stage to Lordsburg (short story)
1938/00/00 Ernest Haycox begins to plan his dream house in Portland's west hills, Green Hills. Home Ernest Haycox Estate Portland
1949/00/00 After nearly a decade, the Haycoxes, especially Jill, decide the Big House too much for them, and they move to a smaller home. Home Ernest Haycox Estate Portland
1950/10/13 Ernest James Haycox dies of cancer at his home at 3185 SW Patton Road, where he had been ill since an operation last May disclosed malignancy. He had undergone a subsequent operation some weeks ago. Died

1 Creative Work by Ernest Haycox »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Stage to Lordsburg (short story) Author Short Story 1937/04/10
  • 1000 Notable Short Stories, True Tales and Mezzobulas

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