Works about Walt Whitman


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1819/05/31 Walt Whitman is born in West Hills, Huntington, New York Born Walt Whitman House Huntington Walt Whitman's 70th Birthday Dinner
1835/00/00 Walt Whitman works as the acting librarian of the Brooklyn Apprentices' Library. Work Brooklyn Museum New York City
1855/00/00 "Song of Myself" is published in Leaves of Grass. Author Song of Myself
1855/06/00 Walt Whitman self publishes "Leaves of Grass", containing twelve poems. Author Leaves of Grass (book)
1856/06/00 Walt Whitman contributes to 'Life Illustrated", a periodical published by the Fowler and Wells Company. Author
1862/12/19 Walt Whitman leaves New York City for the hospitals of Civil War Washington, DC, to look for his brother George, who was wounded in battle. Life
1862/12/21 Whitman spends a good part of the day at Chatham camp hospital on the banks of the Rappahannock, recording his thoughts and experiences on scraps of bloodstained paper that he folded over and stuck together with pins. Hospital Volunteer Chatham Manor Fredericksburg, VA Battle of Fredericksburg
1865/00/00 Walt Witman writes "Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd" as an elegy for President Lincoln. Author When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd
1865/00/00 Walt Witman writes "O Captain! My Captain!" as an elegy to President Lincoln. Author O Captain! My Captain! (poem)
1865/00/00 In Washington DC, Whitman is discharged from his position by Secretary James Harlan, supposedly for writing obscene poetry. Work
1865/05/01 From Washington DC, Walt Whitman writes a condolence letter to Mrs Irwin. Author Irwin Letter (Whitman)
1873/05/00 Recovering from a stroke, Walt Whitman moves to his brother's home in Camden, New Jersey, where his mother is dying. Located at 431 Stevens St, George Whitman's house burned down in 1991. Life Walt Whitman Neighborhood Camden, NJ
1875/11/17 Edgar Allen Poe's tomb dedicated Mourner Westminster Presbyterian Church and Cemetery Baltimore, MD Dedications of Edgar Allen Poe's Tomb
1881/00/00 James R Osgood and Co publish a new edition of Leaves of Grass. Author Leaves of Grass (book)
1882/01/31 Walt Whitman meets Oscar Wilde at his brother and sister-in-law's house on Stevens St (lost) in Camden, New Jersey. "He is a fine large handsome youngster," and "he had the good sense to take a great fancy to me." WW Host Oscar Wilde's 1882 Lecture Tour Of America
1884/00/00 Walt Whitman uses the royalties from "Leaves of Grass" to buy a newly built residence for less than $2000 at 328 Mickle Street in Camden. Home Leaves of Grass (book) Walt Whitman House Camden, NJ
1889/05/31 Strugling with poor health, Walt Whitman arrives at his 70th birthday party in time for dessert and stays for the speeches. "I felt better and more something like myself, and nearer chipper, than for a year." WW Guest of Honor Walt Whitman's 70th Birthday Dinner
1890/00/00 Whitman's sepulcher is built to his design on land gifted by the Harleigh Cemetery Association. The $4,000 "plain massive stone temple" with an iron gate was inspired by "Death's Door", an etching by William Blake. Architect Harleigh Cemetery, Camden Camden, NJ
1892/03/26 After suffering in poor health for many ears, Walt Whitman dies at home of pulmonary emphysema or bronchial pneumonia. Died Walt Whitman House Camden, NJ Death of Walt Whitman
1892/03/30 The funeral for Walt Whitman is held in the parlor of his Mickle Street home in Camden, NJ. From 11 am until 2 pm, at least 1000 mourners pay their respects during the viewing. In Memoriam Walt Whitman House Camden, NJ Death of Walt Whitman
1892/03/30 Walt Whitman is laid to rest at Harleigh Cemetery in a tomb of his own design. In Memoriam Harleigh Cemetery, Camden Camden, NJ Death of Walt Whitman

5 Creative Works by Walt Whitman »

Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Title Type Association Y/M/D Moniker
Song of Myself Author Poem 1855/00/00
  • 80 or So Notable Poems to Read for a Life List
Leaves of Grass (book) Author Poems 1855/06/00
  • 80 or So Notable Poems to Read for a Life List
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd Author Poem 1865/00/00
  • 80 or So Notable Poems to Read for a Life List
O Captain! My Captain! (poem) Author Poem 1865/00/00
  • 80 or So Notable Poems to Read for a Life List
Irwin Letter (Whitman) Author 1865/05/01
  • 1000 or so Notable Essays, Treatises and Eruditions

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