Secker and Warburg

London publisher - AsNotedIn


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1945/08/17 "Animal Farm" by George Orwell is published by Secker and Warburg. Publisher Animal Farm (book)
1949/00/00 Nineteen Eighty Four is published Publisher Nineteen Eighty-Four
1951/00/00 The Burden of Our Time - published Publisher The Burden of Our Time
1967/00/00 No Laughing Matter - published Publisher No Laughing Matter
1977/00/00 In the Heart of the Country - published Publisher In the Heart of the Country
1980/00/00 Waiting for the Barbarians - published Publisher Waiting for the Barbarians
1983/00/00 The Life and Times of Michael K - published Publisher The Life and Times of Michael K
1993/00/00 Disappearance - published Publisher Disappearance (Dabydeen book)
1993/00/00 Looking for the Possible Dance - published Publisher Looking for the Possible Dance
1994/00/00 Captain Corelli's Mandarin - published Publisher Captain Corelli's Mandarin
1994/00/00 How Late it Was, How Late - published Publisher How Late it Was, How Late
1999/00/00 Disgrace - published Publisher Disgrace
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