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Clift Hotel


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1923/05/00 Arthur Conan Doyle Guest In late May and early June, Arthur Conan Doyle and his wife stay at the Clift during a lecture tour of the US.
1939/09/00 Harriett Pullman Carolan Guest Harriet Pullman Carolan Schermerhorn arrives in San Francisco and stays at the Clift Hotel.

Data »

Particulars for Clift Hotel:
Historic Use Hotel
Area of Significance Literature
Lodging Warning Resort Fee Deceptive Business Practice

Creative Works »

The Maltese Falcon Book Dashiell Hammett In "The Maltese Falcon" the Clift Hotel is called "The Alexandria"

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