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Lake District


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1857/09/08 Wilkie Collins Visitor Despite bad weather, Dickens persuades a reluctant Collins to climb Carrock Fell, 8 mi (13 km) NE of Keswick. Carrying a broken compass, the lazy authors become lost in heavy mist on the descent where Wilkie badly sprains his ankle. The Lazy Tour of Two Authors
1857/09/08 Charles Dickens Visitor Despite bad weather, Dickens persuades a reluctant Collins to climb Carrock Fell, 8 mi (13 km) NE of Keswick. Carrying a broken compass, the lazy authors become lost in heavy mist on the descent where Wilkie badly sprains his ankle. The Lazy Tour of Two Authors


Pooley Bridge
Sharrow Bay Country House

Data »

Particulars for Lake District:
Natural Feature Lake
Physiographic Lake Environ
Physiographic Mountainous
Locale Type Natural Environ

Creative Works »

Amsterdam (book) Book Ian McEwan In "Amsterdam", Clive Linley goes on a walk in England's Lake District

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