Deacon Brown's Point

  • Address: Deacon Brown's Point
  • Vicinity: W District Rd
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1930/00/00 Delano and Aldrich Architect Design in the late 1920s by Delano and Aldrich, a casually luxuriant seaside farmhouse getaway is built for Ambassador Morrow and his family.
1930/00/00 Dwight Morrow Home Design in the late 1920s by Delano and Aldrich, a casually luxuriant seaside farmhouse getaway is built for Ambassador Morrow and his family.
1930/00/00 Elizabeth Cutter Morrow Home Design in the late 1920s by Delano and Aldrich, a casually luxuriant seaside farmhouse getaway is built for Ambassador Morrow and his family.

Data »

Particulars for Deacon Brown's Point:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Architectural Style Federal Style
Criteria Person
Area of Significance Politics-government
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

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