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Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
0079/08/25 A westerly wind temporarily shields Herculaneum from the Mount Vesuvius eruption before then a cloud of gas and hot ash engulfs the city, asphyxiating and burning the inhabitants. A flood of volcanic mud and rock will bury the city. Eruption of Mount Vesuvius 79 AD
1775/00/00 Ralph Izard Visitor Mr and Mrs Ralph Izard tour Herculaneum with John Singleton Copley. The Izard's Grand Tour
1775/00/00 John Singleton Copley Visitor Mr and Mrs Ralph Izard tour Herculaneum with John Singleton Copley. The Izard's Grand Tour

Data »

Particulars for Herculaneum:
Sight Category Historic District
Disposition Ruin
Built Environment Townscape

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