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The Star Inn

  • Vicinity: Pickneybush Ln
  • Phone: 01797 362139
  • Type: English Public House
  • Travel Genus: Drink , Sight
  • Sight Category: Building
  • Drinkery Category: Casual Drinkery

The Star Inn is an English pub and overnight accomidations in a restored 18th-century inn and Listed Building II in St Mary in the Marsh, Kent, England. - AsNotedIn

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The Star Inn


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1476/00/00 The Star Inn is built in the late 15th Century as thatched farm dwelling.
1711/00/00 Anthony Jessup, a farmer and brewer who had moved to the Marsh from nearby Ashford acquires the inn and registers the building as an ale house. He is granted an ale and cider license.
1732/00/00 Jessup's inn becomes The Star.
1922/04/00 Noel Coward Author Noel Coward writes one of his first and most controversial plays, The Vortex, in a converted stable next to The Star Inn. The drawing room play is about a 1920s socialite and her decadent son.

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Drinkery Category Casual Drinkery
Drinkery Type English Public House
Pub Attribute Free House
Drinkery Attribute Real Ale

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Particulars for The Star Inn:
Sight Category Building
Food Attribute English Food
Historic Use English Public House
Building Use Inn

English National Heritage List: 1344205

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