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ZSL London Zoo
Chimps Breeding Colony, The Gorilla House
East Tunnel Beneath Roadway Of Outer Circle
Elephant And Rhinoceros Pavilion London Zoo
Giraffe House And Hippopotamus House On The Cotton Terraces
K3 Type Telephone Kiosk Underneath The Portals Of The Parrot House
Lubetkin Penguin Pool
Raven Cage
Snowdon Aviary London Zoo
The Clock Tower
The Mappin Terraces, Including The Mappin Cafe
West Footbridge London Zoo

Data »

Particulars for ZSL London Zoo:
Subject Animal
Historic Use Animal facility
Place type Zoo

Creative Works »

Mary Poppins (book) Children's Chapter Book P L Travers Jane and Micheal visit the London Zoo.
Winnie-the-Pooh Book A A Milne Winnie-the-Pooh was named after Winnie, an American black bear from Winnipeg who lived on the Mappin Terraces from 1914 to 1934.

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