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Arcanum 17

  • French: Arcane 17
  • Type: Collection of Essays

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Arcanum 17
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  • Quebec, Canada "Arcanum 17" was inspired by Perce Rock in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence on the tip of the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, Canada.


Y/M/D Association Description Place Locale Food Event
1944/10/00 Andre Breton Visitor Andre Breton visits Gaspe, Quebec. He will record his impressions of the visit in Arcanum 17, "a hymn of hope, renewal and resurrection". Quebec Canada
1945/00/00 Andre Breton Author Arcanum 17 - published
1945/00/00 Brentano Publisher Arcanum 17 - published

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Particulars for Arcanum 17:
Art Type Book a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Art Type Collection of Essays assemblage of analytic literary compositions
Narrative Arts Factual concerned with what is actually true rather than interpretations of or reactions to it
Art Movement Surrealism

Original Language: French

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