Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge

  • American

Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge was a notable American physician and military officer who served as a colonel in the Massachusetts militia during the American Revolutionary War. - AsNotedIn


Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1739/03/05 Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge is born in Suffield, Conn, to the Rev John Woodbridge and Tryphena Ruggles Woodbridge, daughter of the Rev Benjamin Ruggles of Suffield. Born
1775/04/20 Benjamin R Woodbridge enlist in the Massachusetts militia of the Continental Army. Military
1775/06/17 Woodbridge's regiment arrives at Bunker Hill immediately prior to the battle. A company from the regiment deploys on the right flank while other men join Colonel Prescott's regiment at the redoubt and breastwork on the hill. Patriot Commander Bunker Hill Monument Boston Battle of Bunker Hill
1788/00/00 Sycamores is built for Benjamin R Woodbridge, moving the Rawson House down the street to built the three-story mansion. The front parlor is finished in the original 18th century hand-carved raised paneling. Home Woodbridge House and Rawson Ell South Hadley, MA
1819/03/08 Benjamin Woodbridge dies. Buried at Evergreen Cemetery in South Hadley, probate shows his most valuable possession is a $75 looking glass. His medical instruments worth $0.50. Died Woodbridge House and Rawson Ell South Hadley, MA
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