Willauer, Shape and Bready
Architect - AsNotedIn
Architect - AsNotedIn
Y/M/D | Description | Association | Composition | Place | Locale | Food | Event |
Y/M/D | Description | Association | Composition | Place | Locale | Food | Event |
1912/00/00 | Candler Building is constructed with a fire tower, an enclosed fire stairway on the back of the building reached by an outside walkway. In 1911, 146 workers had died in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, due to locked doors to the stairwell. | Architect | Candler Building NYC | New York City | Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire | ||
1912/00/00 | Candler Building is constructed with a fire tower, an enclosed fire stairway on the back of the building reached by an outside walkway. In 1911, 146 workers had died in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, due to locked doors to the stairwell. | Architect | Candler Building NYC | New York City | History of Fire Safety |
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