
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1838/07/30 Henry Algernon du Pont is born at Eleutherian Mills, Greenville, Delaware, to Henry and Louisa Gerhard du Pont. He was the grandson of Eleuthere Irenee du Pont. Born Eleutherian Mills Wilmington, DE
1861/00/00 Henry Algernon DuPont graduates from the United States Military Academy, West Point, in 1861 and serves as a Captain in the 5th Artillery, Union Army. Education US Military Academy, West Point West Point, NY
1864/10/19 After Confederates forces break through the Union line at Cedar Creek, Virginia, Captain Henry DuPont's encourages his men to stand to their guns and check the advance of the enemy. Union Captain Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park Virginia Battle of Cedar Creek
1876/00/00 Col Henry Algernon and Pauline Foster du Pont, who married in 1874, settle at Winterthur. Home Winterthur Museum and Gardens Winterthur, DE
1898/04/02 For extraordinary heroism, Henry A DuPonthe is awarded the Medal of Honor. Later he attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Hero
1902/00/00 Henry Algernon du Pont adds a new facade and library wing to the existing building at Winterthur. His wife, Pauline Foster du Pont, passes away. Home Winterthur Museum and Gardens Winterthur, DE
1906/00/00 Republican canidate, Henry A DuPont is elected to the United States Senate, serving until 1917. Work
1926/12/31 Henry A Du Pont dies a Winterthur, New Castle County, Delaware. He is buried at the Du Pont de Nemours Cemetery Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware. Died Winterthur Museum and Gardens Winterthur, DE
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