
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1857/09/15 Louisa Maria Taft, wife of Alphonso Taft, gives birth to a son, William Howard Taft, in a first floor room of the new addition at family home in Cincinnati, Ohio. William Howard Taft National Historic Site Cincinnati, OH
1870/00/00 The Taft family attends the Congregational Church (lost) at 8th and Plum Streets in Cincinnati. Faith First Congregational-Unitarian Church Cincinnati, OH
1874/00/00 William Taft enters Yale where he will join the Skull and Bones where his father was a founder. Life Skull and Bones Hall, Yale New Haven, CT
1878/06/00 William Howard Taft graduates from Yale and returns to Cincinnati, Ohio. Education Yale University New Haven, CT
1886/00/00 William Howard Taft and his bride stay at Auburn Avenue residence for a month while their new home is completed. Home William Howard Taft National Historic Site Cincinnati, OH
1908/07/00 The "Homestead" welcomes William Howard Taft for a two month stay. Guest The Homestead Hot Springs
1909/02/00 I know Adolphus Busch very well and I wonder if he would like to turn these gardens over for a golf links. I would like to play golf here and sit down under those beautiful trees when I got tired. - President Taft Visitor Busch Gardens Cultural Landscape Historic District Pasadena, CA
1909/03/04 Inaugural Ball for William Howard Taft is held in the Pension Building. President National Building Museum Washington, DC
1909/04/00 William Howard Taft is the first to use the Presidential Suite. An area where the President, State Department and Congressional leaders receive distinguished visitors arriving at Union Station. US President Union Station Washington, DC
1909/05/19 President William Taft is a guest at Centre Hill. He is in Petersburg to dedicate a monument to the Pennsylvanians and General Hartranft, who fought at the Siege of Petersburg. Guest Centre Hill Petersburg
1909/07/00 Nellie Taft leases a summer home, the fourteen-room Stetson Hall of the late John B Stetson, located on Woodbury Point in Beverly. After 1910, the cottage will be cut it in half and floated across the harbor to Peaches Point in Marblehead. Home Beverly Massachusetts
1909/07/00 Beverly Board of Trade offers Taft office space in the Mason Building. He will have to climb the marble stairs, as there is no elevator, but he will be able listen to music provided by an itinerant hurdy gurdy man. Taft may have only used the office once. Office Odd Fellows' Hall Beverly
1909/09/14 The mayor of Beverly, the Governor of Massachusetts and President William Taft watch the Grand Army of the Republic parade from the reviewing stand in Beverly, Massachusetts. Dignitary Beverly Massachusetts
1909/11/06 US President William Howard Taft visits the R Goodwyn Rhett family at 116 Broad Street, Charleston. Guest John Rutledge House Inn Charleston, SC
1910/07/30 Henry W Peabody's widow leases her 18 room Peabody Cottage, for one year and renewable for a second year to President Taft. Home Parramatta Beverly
1910/07/30 Office space is provided to President Taft at the Pickering House on Lothrop Street. "the president can visit the offices frequently. He has never set foot in the Board of Trade Rooms but once." Beverly Citizen Newspaper Office Pickering House, Beverly Beverly
1911/05/23 New York Public Library Main Branch officially opens Master of Ceremony New York Public Library New York City
1911/07/22 After a picnic on the Manassas Battlefield, the crowd returns to the Prince William County Courthouse to listen to a speech by President William H Taft. Dignitary Prince William County Courthouse Manassas Manassas National Jubilee of Peace
1911/11/09 From the chapel porch, W Taft gives a short speech on his appreciation of Sewanee and good wishes for her future. Taft visits the library and attends a reception. The Associated Press reporter refused to leave the train as he felt he was being ignored. Dignitary Sewanee: University of the South Sewanee, TN
1911/11/11 After traveling by rail all day through Tennessee, President Taft rode thirty-five miles by auto late this afternoon over the battlefields of Chickamauga, where one of the most desperate battles of the civil war was fought. - NY Times Dignitary Chickamauga Battlefield Georgia
1911/11/11 President William Howard Taft visits the University of Chattanooga and attends a banquet at the Hotel Patten, Chattanooga. Dignitary Patten Towers Chattanooga
1912/01/18 Lucretia Roberts Cromwell marries Edward T Stotesbury at his townhouse in Philadelphia. Guest Stotesbury Mansion Philadelphia, PA Marriage of Lucretia Cromwell and Edward Stotesbury
1917/03/31 In commemoration of the centenary of the Abraham Lincoln's birth, President William H Taft unveils George Grey Barnard's bronze statue, Abraham Lincoln, at Lytle Park. Dignitary Barnard's Abraham Lincoln (sculpture) Lytle Park, Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH
1918/03/01 Frank Hiscock picks up Howard Taft at the Syracuse station and brings him to the Hiscock home where they are met by the judge's family. After visiting with the family, Taft retires to the blue room. Guest The Barnes-Hiscock House Syracuse, NY
1918/03/03 Taft advises reporters "Don't eat too much, don't talk too much, and above all, don't worry too much. There you have the recipe it has taken me more than half a century to find." Taft left Syracuse just past midnight on March 3. Guest The Barnes-Hiscock House Syracuse, NY
1918/03/03 Howard Taft attends a dinner at the University Club as the guest of the Syracuse University chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. After the banquet, Taft made his way to Crouse College where gives a speech on "The War and the Society of Nations." Speaker Crouse College, Syracuse University Syracuse, NY
1918/04/14 Former President William Taft arrives at Carbondale Station on his way to speak to the Southern Illinois Teacher Association. Visitor Illinois Central Railroad Passenger Depot Carbondale, IL
1925/03/04 Chief Justice, William Taft administers the presidential oath of office to Calvin Coolidge on the eastern portico of the US Capitol in Washington. It was the first US Presidential inauguration to be nationally broadcast on radio. Chief Justice of the United States Eastern Portico, US Capitol United States Capitol
1929/00/00 Chief Justice William Howard Taft argues for the Court to have its own headquarters to distance itself from Congress as an independent branch of government. Work United States Supreme Court Building Washington, DC
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