Theodore Gaillard

  • Province of Carolina

Theodore Gaillard was a member of the American gentry Gaillard family of South Carolina. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
Y/M/D Description Association Composition Place Locale Food Event
1710/00/00 Elizabeth Le Clair Gaillard, wife of Bartholomew Gaillard, gives birth to a son, Theodore Gaillard in St James Santee Parish, Province of Carolina. Born Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests South Carolina
1735/03/04 Elizabeth Serre, daughter of Noe Serre and Esther Gillet, marries Theodore Gaillard in St James Santee Parish, Province of South Carolina. Groom
1756/00/00 Theodore Gaillard works as a justice in the Province of South Carolina. Work
1781/06/00 Theodore Gaillard dies, possibly at his plantation, Wambaw, sometime between 16 Mar 1781 and 7 Jul 1781 at age 71 in St James Santee Parish, South Carolina. Died
1781/06/25 Theodore Gaillard is buried at Saint Philip's Episcopal Church Cemetery in Charleston. In Memoriam St Philip's Episcopal Church Charleston, SC
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