

Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn No Address Proximity Area
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity Area
Atlanticville Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Middle St, Jasper Blvd, Myrtle Ave Between Stations 22-half and 26
Battery Gadsden
  • Sight
  • NRHP
2017 I'on Ave
Battery Thomson
  • Sight
  • NRHP
2013 I'on Ave
Dr John B Patrick House
  • Sight
  • NRHP
1820 Middle St
Fort Moultrie
  • NPS U
1214 Middle St
Fort Moultrie Quartermaster and Support Facilities Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Middle St and Thompson Ave Between Stations 14 and 16.5
H L Hunley Embarkation Site
  • Sight
3271 Middle St Thomson Park
Moultrieville Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Middle St and Osceola Ave Between Stations 11 and 12
Poe's Tavern
  • Eats
2210 Middle St
Sullivan's Island Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
Middle St, I'on Ave and Central Ave Between Stations 17 and 18-half
US Coast Guard Historic District
  • Sight
  • NRHP
I'on Ave Between Station 18 and Station 18 half


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1863/12/06 Conrad Wise Chapman paints "Submarine Torpedo Boat H L Hunley". The painting, in the collection of the American Civil War Museum, depicts Horace Hunley casually leaning on his Submarine Torpedo Boat at Sullivan's Island. H L HUNLEY (submarine)
1864/02/17 Rammed by H L HUNLEY's torpedo, the USS HOUSATONIC burns for three minutes before sinking, killing two officers and three men. Invention of the Submarine
1864/02/17 George E Dixon, CSA Confederate Lieutenant Commanded by Lt Dixon, about 4 miles off Breach Inlet in Sullivan's Island, the H L HUNLEY places a 135 lb torpedo below the waterline of the USS Housatonic. The Housatonic burns for three minutes before sinking, killing five sailors. H L HUNLEY (submarine) H L HUNLEY's Final Mission
1869/11/25 Angus Smith (diver) Work Charleston Daily News runs an article on Angus Smith's dredging of phosphate beds near Sullivan's Island with a patented machine of his own invention.

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Particulars for Sullivan's Island, SC:
Physiographic feature Island

Creative Works »

The Gold-Bug (short story) Short Story Edgar Allan Poe MANY years ago, I contracted an intimacy with a Mr William Legrand. He was of an ancient Huguenot family, and had once been wealthy. To avoid the mortification consequent upon his disasters, he left New Orleans for Sullivan's Island, near Charleston.

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