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Colmar Manor


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1814/08/24 James Madison Witness Captain Robert Dade, in Cramer's Detachment of Maryland Militia, battles the British at Bladensburg. Battle of Bladensburg
1814/08/24 Robert Townshend Dade American Commander Captain Robert Dade, in Cramer's Detachment of Maryland Militia, battles the British at Bladensburg. Battle of Bladensburg
1820/03/22 James Barron Combatant James Barron and Stephen Decatur duel with pistols at Bladensburg Dueling Grounds along Dueling Creek in Maryland. Bladensburg Rd west of 38th Ave Barron and Decatur Duel
1820/03/22 Stephen Decatur Combatant James Barron and Stephen Decatur duel with pistols at Bladensburg Dueling Grounds along Dueling Creek in Maryland. Bladensburg Rd west of 38th Ave Barron and Decatur Duel

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