

Name of Notable Genus AsNotedIn No Address Proximity Area
Name Genus AsNotedIn Address Proximity Area
Ellwood Manor
  • Sight
Constitution Hwy Germania Hwy
Wilderness Tavern site
  • Sight


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1862/09/17 Lester S Willson Union First Lieutenant Lester Willson is severely wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville Battle of Chancellorsville
1863/05/02 Oliver Otis Howard Union Commander Neglecting to properly fortify his position at Chancellorsville, Oliver Howard's 11th Corps, largely German soldiers, is caught by surprise, routed but are recover in time to prevent a worst catastrophe. Battle of Chancellorsville
1863/05/02 Thomas J Jackson Stonewall Jackson and his staff, mistaken as Union cavalry, are fired at by the 18th North Carolina Infantry regiment, along the Mountain Rd, near the modern Chancellorsville Visitor Center Death of Stonewall Jackson
1864/05/06 Charles C Haight Union Commander Captain Charles C Haight, Co H, 39th NY Infantry (Garibaldi Guards), is wounded in the right arm at the battle of the Wilderness. He will spend the rest of the summer convalescing. Battle of the Wilderness
1864/05/06 Elkanah L Burson Confederate Officer Elkanah Burson is wounded during the Battle of the Wilderness Battle of the Wilderness

Data »

Particulars for Wilderness Battlefield:
Military Event American Civil War
Historic Use Battle site
Area of Significance Military
Sight Category Site
Motif War

Creative Works »

A Stillness at Appomattox (book) History Book Bruce Catton

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