

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1681/00/00 Joseph Penniman Builder Joseph Penniman builds a farm cottage.
1720/00/00 Deacon John Adams Home Deacon John Adams buys the Penniman farm with a house on six acres of property.
1735/10/30 John Adams Born John Adams is born on 30 October 1735 (19 October 1735, Old Style, Julian calendar), to Deacon John Adams and Susanna Boylston Adams. John Adams's Birthday
1741/05/29 Capt Elihu Adams Born Susanna Boylston Adams, wife of John Adams, gives birth to a son, Elihu Adams, in Braintree, Massachusetts Bay Colony.
1750/02/22 John Adams Education John Adams signes his copy of "M Tullii Ciceronis Orationum Selectarum Liber, Editus in Ufum Scholarums Hollandiae and West Frisiae". Journey of John Adams' Colonial Library
1752/00/00 Deacon John Adams Owner Deacon John Adams sells 10 acres of land, the only real estate he is known to have sold, to pay for his son, John's, Harvard education.
1761/06/00 Upon his father's death in 1761, Peter Boylston Adams inherits the family homestead.

Data »

Particulars for John Adams Birthplace:
Criteria Consideration Birth place or grave
Sight Category Building
Level of Significance National
Building Style New England Saltbox
Criteria Person
Area of Significance Politics-government
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 66000129
Resource Type:
Owner: Local
Architect: unknown
Architectural Style: Other
Attribute: Salt Box
Other Certification: Designated unit of the National Park Service, Designated National Landmark
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Politics-government
Applicable Criteria: Person
Criteria Consideration: Birth place or grave
Period of Significance: 1650-1699, 1700-1749
Significant Year: 1681, 1735
Associated People: Adams,John
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling
Current Function: Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Museum

Creative Works »

John Adams (book) Biography David McCullough

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