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Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal

  • Historically Known As: Schloss Blumenthal

  • Address: 1587 Bloemendalstraat 150
  • Vicinity: Sjwats Jris
  • Phone: 31 43 365 98 00
  • Travel Genus: Lodging , Sight
  • Sight Category: Building
  • Lodging category: Upscale Lodging

Schloss Blumenthal is a luxury hotel in a restored country residence in Vaals, Limburg, The Netherlands. - AsNotedIn



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1791/00/00 Johann Arnold von Clermont Home With assistance from Joseph Moretti, contractor and builder Johann Arnold von Clermont begins building his own residence opposite his weaving factory.
1804/07/00 Napoleon Bonaparte Guest Sometime in 1804, Emperor Bonaparte and Empress Josephine visit Vaals and spend time in the country residence of the Von Clermont family, Schloss Blumenthal.
1846/00/00 Aachens councilor Johann Wilhelm van Lommessen buys Schloss Blumenthal and donates the dwelling to the religious order "Dames du Sacre Coeur", both his daughters, Anne and Caroline, had joined the order
1900/00/00 Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Education Rose Fitzgerald attends the convent school Schloss Blumenthal in Vaals, The Netherlands, before graduating from Dorchester High School in 1906.

Data »

Particulars for Hotel Kasteel Bloemendal:
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Current Use Lodging
Building Type Palatial Mansion
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 80004750
Resource Type:
Owner: Private
Current Function:
Current Sub-Function:

Accommodations »

Lodging Style Grand Home
Lodging Style Hotel
Accommodations Luxury
Lodging category Upscale Lodging

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