

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1773/11/28 East India Company Tea Owner Owned by Francis Rotch and Captained by James Hall, the cargo-whaler "Dartmouth," arrives in Boston harbor with 114 chests of tea and anchors below Castle William. Boston Tea Party
1773/11/28 Joseph Rotch and Sons Ship Owner Owned by Francis Rotch and Captained by James Hall, the cargo-whaler "Dartmouth," arrives in Boston harbor with 114 chests of tea and anchors below Castle William. Boston Tea Party
1779/07/15 The 14 gun RENOWN fires her signal-guns for sailing. Jackson's regiment boards their transport RISING EMPIRE, weigh anchor, give 3 sheers and sail for her and a 16 gun brig, but drop anchor near Castle William, by reason of contrary winds. Penobscot Expedition
1797/12/07 John Adams US President Castle William is renamed Fort Independence during a ceremony attended by President John Adams.
1827/05/26 Edgar Allan Poe Military Posting Edgar A Poe enlist in the US Army as Edgar A Perry, assigned to Battery H
1851/00/00 Sylvanus Thayer Architect Constructed of granite from Rockport, Massachusetts, the current Fort Independence is built from 1833 to 1851 under the supervisor of Colonel Sylvanus Thayer.
1853/07/15 William Ingersoll Bowditch Abolitionist Abolitionist, including William Ingersoll Bowditch, sail on Captain Austin Bearse's sloop "Moby Dick" to rescue a runaway Africa-American stowaway on the brig "Florence" off Fort Independence.

Data »

Particulars for Fort Independence:
Criteria Exemplar
Structure Type Fortification
Area of Significance Military
Level of Significance National
Sight Category Site
Owner State

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 70000921
Resource Type:
Owner: State
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Military
Applicable Criteria: Event
Period of Significance: 1650-1699, 1600-1649, 1875-1899, 1700-1749, 1800-1824, 1750-1799, 1850-1874, 1825-1849
Significant Year: 1634, 1851
Historic Function: Defense
Historic Sub-Function: Fortification
Current Function: Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Park

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