Bunker Hill Monument

  • Address: Monument Sq
  • Vicinity: Breed's Hill, Freedom Trail
  • Neighborhood of Charlestown in Boston
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Structure

"Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" This legendary order has come to symbolize the conviction and determination of the ill-equipped American colonists facing powerful British forces during the famous battle fought on this site on June 17, 1775. The battle is popularly known as "The Battle of Bunker Hill" although most of the fighting actually took place on Breed's Hill, the site of the existing monument and exhibit lodge. Today, a 221-foot granite obelisk marks the site of the first major battle of the American Revolution. - NPS



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1775/06/17 Benjamin Ruggles Woodbridge Patriot Commander Woodbridge's regiment arrives at Bunker Hill immediately prior to the battle. A company from the regiment deploys on the right flank while other men join Colonel Prescott's regiment at the redoubt and breastwork on the hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Thomas Loring Patriot Soldier Thomas Loring is one of four Loring relatives to fight with American Patriot forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 John Stark Patriot Colonel Col John Stark leads the 1st New Hampshire Regiment against British Regulars at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Lt Loring Lincoln Patriot Soldier Loring Lincoln serves with the American Patriots at the Battle of Bunker Hill. He is one of the four Loring relatives that defended the Patriot cause at battle. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Daniel Warren, Patriot Patriot Patriot, Daniel Warren, fights British Regulars at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Benjamin Pierce Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 Rufus Putnam Patriot Lt Colonel American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 John Glover Patriot Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 Henry Dearborn Patriot Captain Col John Stark leads the 1st New Hampshire Regiment against British Regulars at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Daniel Loring Patriot Soldier Sergeant Daniel Loring battles Bristish Regulars at Bunker Hill. Loring serves in John Nixon's company of Col Pierce's regiment. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Gen Gideon Foster Patriot Commander Under a steady bombardment, Captain Foster and his men use wagons to deliver gun powder to Patriot forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Captain Seth Spring Patriot Soldier Seth Spring from Conway, a private in Kinsman's Company, Stark's regiment, is wounded at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Capt Joseph Loring Patriot Soldier Lieutenant Joseph Loring serves the patriot cause at the Battle of Bunker hill. He is one if four Loring cousins to fight on Breed's Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Henry Knox American Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 John Spurr American Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 Israel Putnam Patriot Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 Capt Josiah K Parsons American Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. 1775 American Revolution - The War Begins
1775/06/17 William Prescott Sr American Commander Low on ammunition, William Prescott gives an order, "Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes". Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Henry Knox American Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 John Spurr American Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Israel Putnam Patriot Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Capt Josiah K Parsons American Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Benjamin Pierce Patriot American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Rufus Putnam Patriot Lt Colonel American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 John Glover Patriot Commander American colonists battle British regular military forces. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Samuel Lawrence Patriot Groton Minutemen, American Patriots, fight British regular Troops at The Battle of Bunker Hill. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Henry Clinton British Commander Dr Joseph Warren exhaust his ammunition and dies during the British Regular's third and final assault. Battle of Bunker Hill
1775/06/17 Dr Joseph Warren Died Dr Joseph Warren exhaust his ammunition and dies during the British Regular's third and final assault. Battle of Bunker Hill
1825/06/17 Marquis de Lafayette Master of Ceremony Lafayette lays the cornerstone of Bunker Hill Monument at the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Lafayette takes dirt from the excavation of the monument back to France to be use at his burial. Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1825/06/17 Daniel Webster Orator Lafayette lays the cornerstone of Bunker Hill Monument at the 50th Anniversary Celebration. Lafayette takes dirt from the excavation of the monument back to France to be use at his burial. Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1842/00/00 Sarah Josepha Hale Organizer Bunker Hill Monument is completed. Constructing Bunker Hill Monument
1842/00/00 Solomon Willard Architect Bunker Hill Monument is completed. Constructing Bunker Hill Monument

Data »

Particulars for Bunker Hill Monument:
Military Event American Revolutionary War
Historic Use Battle site
Criteria Consideration Commemorative property
Area of Significance Communications
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Military
Level of Significance National
Material Quincy Granite
Owner State
Sight Category Structure

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 66000138
Resource Type:
Owner: State
Architect: Willlard,Solomon
Architectural Style: No style listed
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark, National Landmark boundary approved
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Military, Communications
Applicable Criteria: Event
Criteria Consideration: Commemorative property
Period of Significance: 1750-1799, 1825-1849
Significant Year: 1775, 1825, 1842
Historic Function: Defense
Historic Sub-Function: Battle site
Current Function: Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Work of art (sculpture, carving, rock art) Monument, Marker

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