
  • Also Known As: James Logan Home also Stenton Mansion

  • Address: 4601 N 18th St
  • Vicinity: Courtland St
  • Hours: April 1 December 23: Tue Sat, 1pm -4 pm, or by appointment. CLOSED Dec 23 Jan 1. By appointment only Jan 2 - Mar 31. CLOSED federal holidays, Thanksgiving and Black Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Open July 4 for annual picnic 11:30 1:30.
  • Phone: 215-329-7312
  • Travel Genus: Sight , Visit
  • Sight Category: Museums
  • Activity Category: Tour
  • Available for private functions

Stenton is a well preserved, historic houses in Philadelphia. Built in 1730 as a country house for James Logan, the mansion, furnished with C18 and C19 Logan family furnishings, has no electricity or plumbing. - AsNotedIn

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Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1730/00/00 James Logan Architect Stenton, designed by the owner, is built as a country house for James Logan, 1723-1730.
1751/10/31 James Logan Died James Logan dies at Stenton.
1777/08/23 George Washington American Commander in Chief General Washington and his troops stay at Stenton before the Battle of Brandywine. Battle of Brandywine
1777/09/26 Sir William Howe Lieutenant-General William Howe leaves 3,462 men to defend Philadelphia and takes 9,728 men 5 mi (8.0 km) north to Germantown to capture American forces. Howe established his headquarters at Stenton House. Battle of Germantown
1787/07/08 George Washington Guest Washington, in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention, dines with Dr George Logan at Stenton.
1913/00/00 Garden Club of America is established.

Data »

Particulars for Stenton:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Landscape Architecture Garden
Architectural Style Georgian Architecture
Landscape Architecture Historic garden restoration
Museum Type Historical Museum
Level of Significance National
Building Attribute Not Modernized, No Electricity or Plumbing
Criteria Person
Area of Significance Science
Historic Use Single dwelling
Private Event Wedding Venue

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 66000690
Resource Type:
Owner: Local
Architect: Logan,James
Architectural Style: Georgian
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark, National Landmark boundary approved
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Science, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering, Person
Period of Significance: 1700-1749, 1750-1799
Significant Year: 1728, 1730, 1751
Associated People: Logan,James
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling
Current Function: Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Museum

Activities »

Activity Category Tour

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