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National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC

  • Address: Constitution Ave NW
  • Vicinity: National Mall btw 3rd St and 9th St
  • Outdoor Space of The Mall in Washington, DC
  • Type: Congeries Repository
  • Travel Genus: Sight , Visit , Visit
  • Sight Category: Museums
  • Museum Type: Congeries Repository

National Gallery of Art is a world class fine art museum in the capital of the United States of America, Washington, DC. - AsNotedIn


Objects of Art

A Lady Writing Painting
A Young Man at a Table Painting
Adoration of the Shepherds Painting
Cape Cod Evening Painting
Girl with a Flute Painting
Girl with a Red Hat Painting
Ground Swell Painting
Half-length Figure of a Man in 'Polish' Costume Painting
La Condition Humaine Painting
Lucretia Painting
Madame Moitessier, 1851 Painting
Mrs Richard Brinsley Sheridan Painting
Number 1 Painting
Portrait of a Gentleman with a Pair of Gloves Painting
Portrait of a Lady with an Ostrich Feather Fan Painting
Portrait of a Man in a Tall Hat Painting
Saint John in the Desert Painting
Saskia van Uylenburgh, the Wife of the Artist Painting
Self-portrait Painting
The Skater (Portrait of William Grant) Painting
Woman Holding a Balance Painting


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1881/07/02 Robert Todd Lincoln Witness Charles J Guiteau, a disgruntled office-seeker, shoots Garfield twice in the back as James Blaine and the President walk through Baltimore and Potomac Railroad's 6th St Station in Washington (Built 1873, razed 1908). Assassination of James Garfield
1881/07/02 James A Garfield Victim Charles J Guiteau, a disgruntled office-seeker, shoots Garfield twice in the back as James Blaine and the President walk through Baltimore and Potomac Railroad's 6th St Station in Washington (Built 1873, razed 1908). Assassination of James Garfield
1881/07/02 James G Blaine Witness Charles J Guiteau, a disgruntled office-seeker, shoots Garfield twice in the back as James Blaine and the President walk through Baltimore and Potomac Railroad's 6th St Station in Washington (Built 1873, razed 1908). Assassination of James Garfield
1937/03/24 Andrew W Mellon Benefactor US Congress accepts Andrew Mellon's art collection and building funds and approves the construction of a museum on the National Mall. In January 1937, Mellon had formally offered to create the new Gallery.
1941/03/17 Franklin D Roosevelt US President Designed by John R Pope, the new building (West Building) is completed and accepted by President Franklin D Roosevelt on behalf of the American people during an evening of ceremonies attended by 8,822 people.
1941/03/17 John Russell Pope Architect Designed by John R Pope, the new building (West Building) is completed and accepted by President Franklin D Roosevelt on behalf of the American people during an evening of ceremonies attended by 8,822 people.


East Building, National Gallery of Art, DC

Data »

Particulars for National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Area of Significance Fine Arts
Museum Type Museum
Architectural Style Neoclassical

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