Hale-Byrnes House

  • Also Known As: Boyce

  • Address: 606 Stanton-Christiana Rd
  • Vicinity: Corner of DE 7 and 4
  • Travel Genus: Sight , Visit
  • Sight Category: Museums

The Hale-Byrnes House was built in two sections. The south section has been dated 1750, and the north section is somewhat later. The larger south end was designed in the William (Penn style. That is, two small rooms off one large main entrance room which takes in the entire width of the house. During restoration, only one of these small rooms, the Miller's Office on the creek side, has been retained. These two south end rooms had a triangular chimney in common. The fireplaces with curved reveals and the floors are original. All other architectural features, such as chair rails, doors, panelled walls, iron fixtures, belong to the restoration. The stair is old, installed in the location of the original stairway. - NRHP, 2 June 1972



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1750/00/00 The south end of Hale House is built in the William Penn plan, probably by Samuel Hale after he bought the property in 1750. Hale is a potter from Philadelphia and uses the long cellar opening onto the creek as storage space.
1772/00/00 Daniel Byrnes Home Daniel Byrnes who built a mill nearby, buys the Hale House on the post road at White Clay Creek Mill. Byrnes probably builds the north wing to extend the living area and allow a separate kitchen area for his family.
1777/09/05 Americans send Gen Maxwell's men to take a stand at Byrnes House. Washington had ordered cannon to be placed thick as they could stand directly in front of the home at the junction of the Ogletown Road from Newark and the King's Highway from Christiana. Battle of Cooch's Bridge
1777/09/06 Captain Robert Kirkwood Patriot Commander Patriot officers including Captain Robert Kirkwood of nearby Newark, arrange with Daniel Byrnes to make his house available for a council of war.
1777/09/06 Marquis de Lafayette Patriot Commander Lafayette meets with Washington's council war at the Byrnes House.
1777/09/06 Maj Gen Nathanael Greene Patriot Commander Nathanael Greene attends Washington's council of war at the Byrnes House.
1777/09/06 Gen Anthony Wayne Patriot Commander Gen Anthony Wayne attends Washington's council of war at the Byrnes House.
1777/09/06 George Washington Patriot Commander Washington holds a war council at the Byrnes House with by Lafayette, Anthony Wayne, Nathaniel Greene and others including Cap Robert Kirkwood of Newark. It is decided to move picket lines a few miles closer to the British who are south of Christiana. Battle of Cooch's Bridge
1784/00/00 Daniel Byrnes Home The Byrnes family move to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1790/00/00 Daniel Byrnes Home Daniel Byrnes sells his residence on the post road at White Clay Creek Mill.
1844/00/00 Andrew C Gray Home During the ownership by prominent lawyer, Andrew Gray, the old mill burns down.

Data »

Particulars for Hale-Byrnes House:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Area of Significance Commerce
Criteria Exemplar
Museum Type Historical Museum
Building Type House
Area of Significance Industry
Area of Significance Military
House Plan Penn Plan
Criteria Person
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property
Historic Use Single dwelling
Owner State

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 72000290
Resource Type:
Owner: State
Architect: unknown
Architectural Style: No style listed
Level of Significance: State
Area of Significance: Industry, Commerce, Military, Architecture, Religion
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering, Person
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Period of Significance: 1750-1799
Significant Year: c 1750, c 1772, 1777
Associated People: Byrnes,Daniel
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling
Current Function: Recreation and Culture, Social
Current Sub-Function: Museum Civic

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