Hale-Byrnes House
- Also Known As: Boyce
- Address: 606 Stanton-Christiana Rd
- Vicinity: Corner of DE 7 and 4
The Hale-Byrnes House was built in two sections. The south section has been dated 1750, and the north section is somewhat later. The larger south end was designed in the William (Penn style. That is, two small rooms off one large main entrance room which takes in the entire width of the house. During restoration, only one of these small rooms, the Miller's Office on the creek side, has been retained. These two south end rooms had a triangular chimney in common. The fireplaces with curved reveals and the floors are original. All other architectural features, such as chair rails, doors, panelled walls, iron fixtures, belong to the restoration. The stair is old, installed in the location of the original stairway. - NRHP, 2 June 1972