

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1914/11/01 Edgar Allen Poe Newcombe Architect Designed by E A P Newcomb, the Gothic Revival Sacred Heart Church-Punahou with stained glass windows designed in France, is dedicated in a ceremony presided over by Vicar Apostolic and Bishop of Zeugma, Libert H Boeynaems.
1923/06/23 Designed by Newcomb and Guylor R Miller, Bachelot Memorial Hall is and dedicated, with an address by Governor Wallace Rider Farrington. The hall was named after Alexis John Augustine Bachelot, Prefect Apostolic of the Sandwich Islands.
1927/00/00 Walker and Olund Contractor Designed by Rothwell, Kangeter and Lester, a two-story Mediterranean Revival style rectory is built by Walker and Olund.
1927/00/00 Guy Rothwell Architect Designed by Rothwell, Kangeter and Lester, a two-story Mediterranean Revival style rectory is built by Walker and Olund.

Data »

Particulars for Sacred Heart Church:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Church Related Residence
Criteria Exemplar
Architectural Style Late Gothic Revival
Owner Private
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 89001875
Resource Type:
Owner: Private
Architect: Newcomb,E.A.P.; Rothwell,Guy
Architectural Style: Late gothic revival
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Level of Significance: State
Area of Significance: Art, Architecture, Religion
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Significant Year: 1914, 1923, 1927
Historic Function: Religion
Historic Sub-Function: Religious structure, Church related residence
Current Function: Religion
Current Sub-Function: Religious structure Church related residence

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