Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park

  • Also Known As: City of Refuge National Historical Park also Honaunau Historic District

  • Address: Keala O Keawe Rd (HI 160)
  • Vicinity: W of Mamalahoa Hwy (HI 11), 20 mi S of Kailua-Kona
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Historic District

A Furious Journey of Life or Death was Determined by the Gods

Imagine you had just broken the sacred laws, the kapu, and the only punishment was death. Your only chance of survival is to elude your pursuers and reach the Pu'uhonua, a place of refuge. The Pu'uhonua protected the kapu breaker, defeated warriors, as well as civilians during the time of battle. No harm could come to those who reached the boundaries of the place of refuge. - NPS


Data »

Particulars for Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park:
Owner Federal
Area of Significance Historic - aboriginal
Sight Category Historic District
Criteria Information Potential
Level of Significance National
Cultural Affiliation Pacific-Islander
Cultural Affiliation Polynesian
Area of Significance Prehistoric
Historic Use Religious Property
Historic Use Village site

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration:

Registry Name:
Registry Address:
Registry Number: 66000104
Resource Type:
Owner: Federal
Other Certification: Additional documentation, Additional documentation
Nominator Name: National Historical Park
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Pacific-Islander, Historic - aboriginal, Prehistoric
Applicable Criteria: Information Potential
Cultural Affiliation: Polynesian
Period of Significance: 1499-1000 AD, 1900-1750 AD, 1749-1500 AD
Historic Function: Domestic, Religion
Historic Sub-Function: Village site, Religious structure
Current Function: Recreation and Culture, Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Museum Park Outdoor recreation

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