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Warner Theatre


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1924/12/27 Howard and Franzheim Architect Earle Theatre opens to host vaudeville shows and silent movies, built for Aaron and Julian Brylawski
1943/08/12 Gertrude Niesen Actress "This Is the Army" premiers at the Earle Theatre in Washington, DC. This Is the Army (film)
1943/08/12 Ronald Reagan Actor "This Is the Army" premiers at the Earle Theatre in Washington, DC. This Is the Army (film)
1945/00/00 Harry Morris Warner Owner Harry Warner buys the Earle Theatre. It begins to only show movies.
1961/02/03 John F Kennedy Life President Kennedy and Paul B Fay go to see "Spartacus". The theater is being picked by the League of Catholic War Veterans due to blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo. Spartacus House Un-American Activities Hearings

Data »

Particulars for Warner Theatre:
Area of Significance Architecture
Architectural Style Beaux Arts
Sight Category Building
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Performing Arts
Owner Private
Area of Significance Theatre

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