

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1832/00/00 Francis S Preston Home A brick mansion is built as a retirement home for Robert Preston and Sarah B Preston and their 9 children. The original living room is now the main lobby of the hotel. The grand stairway and parlors are today much as they were in the 19C.
1832/00/00 Sarah Buchanan Preston Home A brick mansion is built as a retirement home for Robert Preston and Sarah B Preston and their 9 children. The original living room is now the main lobby of the hotel. The grand stairway and parlors are today much as they were in the 19C.
1858/00/00 The Preston family sell their mansion for $21,000 to the founders of Martha Washington College, a lady's only institution.
1887/10/15 Edith Wilson Education On my 15 birthday I went off to boarding school - to Martha Washington College, in Abingdon, VA. This school was chosen because I was eager to learn music, and an excellent teacher was there. The professor was a friend or my oldest brother, Rolfe, - EBW
1932/00/00 After the Great Depression, typhoid fever and a declining enrollment takes its toll, The Martha Washington College closes.

Data »

Particulars for Martha Washington Inn:
Architectural Style American Colonial Revival
Area of Significance Architecture
Sight Category Building
Area of Significance Commerce
Cultural Affiliation Middle Archaic North American
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

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Lodging Style Grand Home
Lodging Style Hotel

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