1800/01/00 |
Paul Revere |
Founder |
Encouraged by the promise of a loan from the federal government, Paul Revere, buys a former gunpowder mill in Canton, where during the Revolutionary War, largely by his instrumentality and agency, the Colony and State had been supplied with powder. |
1800/03/00 |
Harrison Gray Otis |
Life |
I have made the most improvements in that Branch of Metallurgy of any man in this State, if not in the United States. - Paul Revere to Harrison Gray Otis |
1801/00/00 |
Paul Revere and Son |
Manufacturer |
Paul Revere establishes a copper rolling mill at a renovated gunpowder mill in Canton, Massachusetts, with son Joseph W Revere where he will become the first American to successfully roll copper into sheets as a commercially viable business. |
1803/12/00 |
Joshua Humphreys |
Naval Architect |
We are gaining experience, .... Should I live and be able to take care of the Business for seven years to come I should not get to the Zenith. - Paul Revere to Joshua Humphreys |
1804/10/09 |
Paul Revere and Son foundry (lost) on Lynn Street at the north part of Boston is seriously damaged in a severe gale. Not being repaired or occupied, foundry operations will be moved to the copper-mill in Canton while the headquarters will stay in Boston. |
New England's Storm of October 1804 |
1805/04/03 |
Paul Revere and Son |
Advertisement |
PAUL REVERE AND SON, At their BELL and CANNON FOUNDRY, At the North-part of Boston, CAST BELLS of all sizes, every kind of brass ORDNANCE, and every type of Composition Work for SHIPS, etc, at the shortest notice, Manufacture COPPER into SHEETS, BOLTS |
1807/00/00 |
By 1807, Paul Revere makes $25,000 worth of improvements at his copper mill in Canton. |
1807/00/00 |
Paul Revere and Son |
Supplier |
Beginning in 1807, the Revere mill in Canton, Massachusetts, provides heavy copper sheets to Robert Fulton to be used to manufacture boilers in many of his steamboats. |
Invention of the Steamboat |
1807/05/07 |
Isaiah Thomas (publisher) |
Publisher |
CHURCH BELLS. PAUL REVERE AND SON, No 13, Lynn Street, North End, BOSTON, HAVE constantly for sale CHURCH and ACADEMY BELLS, of all sizes, which they will warrant equal to any made in Europe, or this country. - Ad in the Massachusetts Spy |
1807/05/07 |
Paul Revere and Son |
Advertisement |
CHURCH BELLS. PAUL REVERE AND SON, No 13, Lynn Street, North End, BOSTON, HAVE constantly for sale CHURCH and ACADEMY BELLS, of all sizes, which they will warrant equal to any made in Europe, or this country. - Ad in the Massachusetts Spy |
1811/00/00 |
Paul Revere |
Work |
At the age of 76, Paul Revere cast his last bell, retires from business and passes the day-to-day operations on to his son and grandson. 27 bells are known to exist which were cast during the period of his direct involvement at the foundry. |
1828/06/12 |
Levi Lincoln Jr |
Governor |
Governor Levi Lincoln approves the Charter of Revere Copper. The named corporators are J W Revere and F W Lincoln. |
1828/07/12 |
Revere Copper Company |
Established |
'James Davis and Son' and 'Paul Revere and Son' are incorporated as 'The Revere Copper Company'. Officers include Joseph W Revere, Fredric Walker Lincoln, James Davis and James Davis Jr. |
1843/00/00 |
Paul Revere and Son |
Foundry |
Between 1792 and 1843, the Revere foundry cast over 900 bells. 146 are known to still exist. |
1850/00/00 |
Joseph Warren Revere (Business) |
Owner |
A new brick mill is erected for manufacturing yellow sheathing metal for the bottom of ships. |
1862/00/00 |
Revere Copper Company |
Foundry |
The Revere Copper Company produces Napoleon Gun No 1 for United States Army. |
Revere Copper Company Napoleon Gun No 1 |
1862/12/00 |
Revere Copper Company |
Manufacturer |
In 1862, the Revere Copper Company produces eighty twelve-pound brass canons for the government. The guns weigh on average 1,230 ponds and cost about $600 each. |
1863/00/00 |
Revere Copper Company |
Foundry |
The Revere Copper Company produces Napoleon Gun No 255 for United States Army. |
Revere Copper Company Napoleon Gun No 255 |