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Roosevelt Dam


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1906/09/20 John M O'Rourke Architect The first stone is laid in the Salt River at Roosevelt Dam by Dan Carr, Chester Smith (USBR construction engineer), JM O'Rourke (contractor), Mr Steinmetz (contractor), LC Hill (USBR engineer in charge) and John Urquehart (construction inspector).
1906/09/20 Major C R Olberg Engineer The first stone is laid in the Salt River at Roosevelt Dam by Dan Carr, Chester Smith (USBR construction engineer), JM O'Rourke (contractor), Mr Steinmetz (contractor), LC Hill (USBR engineer in charge) and John Urquehart (construction inspector).
1911/03/18 Theodore Roosevelt Dignitary Theodore Roosevelt speaks at the dedication of the Roosevelt Dam. The dam is largely the result of TR's reclamation efforts while President.
1911/03/18 To cheers of hundreds, Theodore Roosevelt presses a button releasing water from the Roosevelt Reservoir, providing irrigation for the Salt River Valley area of the territory of Arizona.

Data »

Particulars for Roosevelt Dam:
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Historic Use Energy facility
Area of Significance Engineering
Criteria Exemplar
Owner Federal
Other Description Filled Spandrel Arches
Level of Significance National
Historic Use Public Works
Historic Use Road-related
Sight Category Structure
Area of Significance Transportation
Historic Use Water Works

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 5th May 1999

Registry Name: Roosevelt Dam
Registry Address: Salt River, 31 mi. NW of Globe on AZ 88, in Tonto National Forest
Registry Number: 66000178
Resource Type: Structure
Theme Group: Vehicular Bridges in Arizona MPS (AD)
Owner: Federal
Architect: O'Rourke,John M.
Architectural Style: Other
Attribute: Filled Spandrel Arches
Contributing Structures: 3
Other Certification: Additional documentation, Listed in the National Register
Certification: Removed from National Register
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Transportation, Engineering
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Period of Significance: 1900-1924, 1925-1949
Significant Year: 1906, 1911
Historic Function: Government, Transportation, Industry, processing, extraction
Historic Sub-Function: Water works, Road-related, Energy facility, Public works
Current Function: Transportation, Government, Industry, processing, extraction
Current Sub-Function: Water works Energy facility Public works Road-related

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