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Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1624/00/00 Brouwerij Van Eecke Established Brouwerij Van Eecke brewery is founded as a castle brewery for the Count of Watou.
1901/05/01 Trappists Monks of Mont des Cats History Trappists Monks of Mont des Cats take refuge at Watou, Belgium from 1 May 1901 to October 1934. A few monks led by their abbot stay at Mont-des-Cats.
1907/00/00 Brouwerij St Bernardus History Trappists leave the Mont des Cats Abbey and escape to 'Patershof' farm in Watou where they are able to produce beer and cheese free of paying taxes. They name their new home the 'Refuge de Notre Dame de St Bernard'.
1981/00/00 Brouwerij Van Eecke Brewer Brewer Karel Leroy creates Poperings Hommelbier on the occasion of the triennial Hoppefeesten or hop festival held in nearby Poperinge. Poperings Hommel Bier Hoppefeesten

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Kapittel Prior Beer Kapittel Prior is from Watou, Belgium.
Poperings Hommel Bier Beer Poperings Hommel Bier is a full-bodied ale from Watou, Belgium.

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