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St Paul's Chapel

  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

The site of St Paul's Chapel was quite in the outskirts of the city. The same year in which the foundation stone was laid, the lot on which it stands had been ploughed up and sowed with wheat. When the building was finished, by the completion of the steeple in 1794, it was considered the most elegant and imposing church edifice in the city. The church lot extended in a beautiful lawn to the river, which at that time came up as far as Greenwich Street, and seen from the water, which it was intended to front, St. Paul's surrounded by stately trees and a spacious churchyard, must have been very attractive to the eye. So stood the new Church, beyond the City limits away off in the fields, surrounded by groves and orchards, and hard by the broad, bright river; an object of surprise to the good burghers, who scrupled not to comment with just severity on the folly of that visionary set of men, the Vestry of Trinity Church, who had put so large and ornate a building in a place so remote and sequestered, so difficult of access, and to which the population could never extend! — Wilburforce's History of the American Church, in One Hundred and Fifty Years of St Paul's Chapel, 1916



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1766/00/00 Possibly designed by Thomas Mcbean, St Paul's Chapel is built by master craftsman Andrew Gauthier featuring Manhattan mica-schist with quoins of brownstone and handmade woodwork.
1776/09/20 A bucket brigade soaks St Paul's Chapel with water, saving from the Great Fire of New York. With Trinity Church in ruins, St Paul's functions as the primary church until 1790. Great New York City Fire of 1776
1780/00/00 George Clinton (vice president) Faith Governor Clinton's pew remains inside the chapel.
1786/00/00 Columbia College (New York) Established The first King's College commencement is held at St Paul's Chapel. Columbia's commencements will be held at St Paul's and occasionally Trinity for many years.
1789/04/30 James Madison Congressman Following his inauguration George Washington walks up Broadway to St Paul's for the service. John Adams and both houses of congress which included future president James Madison and future vice president Elbridge Gerry, also attend. Inauguration of the first President of the United States
1789/04/30 Elbridge Gerry Congressman Following his inauguration George Washington walks up Broadway to St Paul's for the service. John Adams and both houses of congress which included future president James Madison and future vice president Elbridge Gerry, also attend. Inauguration of the first President of the United States
1789/04/30 George Washington Faith Following his inauguration George Washington walks up Broadway to St Paul's for the service. John Adams and both houses of congress which included future president James Madison and future vice president Elbridge Gerry, also attend. Inauguration of the first President of the United States
1790/00/00 George Washington Faith While New York serves as the nation's capital, George Washington attends services at St Paul's, 1789-1790. Washington's pew remains at St Paul's.
1818/07/08 Gen Richard Montgomery In Memoriam Richard Montgomery's remains are interred next to his monument at St Paul's Chapel churchyard in New York City. Funeral of General Richard Montgomery
1824/09/08 Marquis de Lafayette National Guest General Lafayette attends a grand oratorio concert by the New York Choral Society at St Paul's Chapel. Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1831/07/07 James Monroe In memoriam James Monroe's cortege proceeds up Broadway to St Paul's Chapel for a second funeral.
1832/00/00 Four bishops are Consecrated at St Paul's during the General Convention. This was the first time that many had been consecrated at once.
1855/00/00 Rev Morgan Dix Vocation Rev Dr Dix becomes assistant minister in 1855 and rector in 1862. Under his leadership St Paul's ministry will include a vocational school for girls, a home for aging women and classes to teach cooking and nutrition to immigrant women.
1874/00/00 St Paul's begins phasing out Pew rents.
1889/04/30 Benjamin Harrison Attendee Bishop Potter gives a remarkable sermon at the Centennial Celebration of Washington's Inauguration.
1889/04/30 Levi P Morton Attendee Bishop Potter gives a remarkable sermon at the Centennial Celebration of Washington's Inauguration.
1889/04/30 Rev Henry Codman Potter Vocation Bishop Potter gives a remarkable sermon at the Centennial Celebration of Washington's Inauguration.
1889/04/30 Grover Cleveland Faith Bishop Potter gives a remarkable sermon at the Centennial Celebration of Washington's Inauguration.
1904/00/00 St Paul's begins holding services for night workers, like those in the near-by print shops on Park Row, at 2:30am on Sunday morning. The service was held right when they were getting off work.
1910/00/00 Edward VII of England In Memoriam Memorial Service for King Edward VII.
1912/04/19 Rev W Montague Geer leads a memorial for the victims of the Titanic: for those, who, whether prepared to meet their God or not, were suddenly called upon, in the darkness at dead of night to cry, many of them in the anguish of their souls. Sinking of the RMS Titanic
1924/03/03 Sonia Greene Bride Sonia Haft Greene marries Howard Phillips Lovecraft at St Paul's Church, New York, NY. Marriage of Sonia Greene and H P Lovecraft
1924/03/03 H P Lovecraft Groom Sonia Haft Greene marries Howard Phillips Lovecraft at St Paul's Church, New York, NY. Marriage of Sonia Greene and H P Lovecraft
1925/00/00 Memorial Service for the Queen Mother her Majesty Alexandra
1952/00/00 Queen Juliana of the Netherlands visits St Paul's.
1953/00/00 Memorial Service for Queen Mary
1954/00/00 Eleanor Roosevelt Speaker Eleanor Roosevelt gives a speech at a Special United Nations Service, Service of Dedication to the Ideals and Aims of the United Nations.
1989/00/00 George H W Bush Faith President George H W Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush visit St Paul's.
2001/09/12 Lyndon Harris, a priest on the clergy staff at Trinity and St Paul's, arrives at St Paul's Chapel to find the exterior and its churchyard covered in debris. The church was undamaged. September 11th Attacks
2001/09/15 Volunteers from Seamen's Church Institute arrive with food and other supplies. After working grueling shifts at Ground Zero, rescue and recovery workers find they can rest a few hours at St Paul's. Over the next 3 months, more than 3,000 get a break. September 11th Attacks
2001/12/27 New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani gives his farewell address from St Paul's.
2002/00/00 The Lord Mayor and the city of London give the Bell of Hope St Paul's Chapel and the people of New York in remembrance of the attacks on September 11. September 11th Attacks
2006/09/10 Hillary Rodham Clinton US Senator President George W Bush and Laura Bush and Senator Hilary Clinton, George Pataki and Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rudolph Giuliani attend service for fifth anniversary of the September 11 Attacks.
2006/09/10 George W Bush US President President George W Bush and Laura Bush and Senator Hilary Clinton, George Pataki and Mayors Michael Bloomberg and Rudolph Giuliani attend service for fifth anniversary of the September 11 Attacks.

Data »

Particulars for St Paul's Chapel:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Architectural Style Georgian Architecture
Level of Significance National
Owner Private
Historic Use Religious Property

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 15th October 1966

Registry Name: St. Paul's Chapel
Registry Address: Broadway between Fulton and Vesey Sts.
Registry Number: 66000551
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architect: McBean,Thomas
Architectural Style: Georgian
Area in Acres: 1
Contributing Buildings: 1
Contributing Sites: 1
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark, National Landmark boundary approved
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Period of Significance: 1750-1799
Significant Year: 1764, 1766
Historic Function: Religion
Historic Sub-Function: Religious structure
Current Function: Religion
Current Sub-Function: Religious structure

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