

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1846/00/00 James Renwick Jr Architect Grace Church is consecrated, cornerstone laid in 1843
1846/00/00 Abraham Schermerhorn buys pew No 106, up front, next to the rector's pew, for $800.
1853/09/20 Caroline Schermerhorn Astor Bride William Astor, of New York, Gentleman, aged 25 Years and Caroline Webster Schermerhorn of New York, Spinster, aged 23 Years, were married by me at Grace Church this the 20 day of September 1853. - Rev Thomas House Taylor
1853/09/20 William Backhouse Astor Jr Groom William Astor, of New York, Gentleman, aged 25 Years and Caroline Webster Schermerhorn of New York, Spinster, aged 23 Years, were married by me at Grace Church this the 20 day of September 1853. - Rev Thomas House Taylor
1860/04/10 Isabella Stewart Gardner Bride Isabella Stewart marries John Lowell Gardner at Grace Church in Manhattan, New York City. Marriage of Isabella Stewart and John L Gardner
1860/04/10 John Lowell Gardner II Groom Isabella Stewart marries John Lowell Gardner at Grace Church in Manhattan, New York City. Marriage of Isabella Stewart and John L Gardner
1863/02/10 P T Barnum Promoter Lavinia Warren marries Charles Stratton at Grace Church. Marriage of Lavinia Warren and Charles Stratton
1863/02/10 Charles S Stratton Groom Lavinia Warren marries Charles Stratton at Grace Church. Marriage of Lavinia Warren and Charles Stratton
1872/02/19 Margaret Armstrong Astor In Memoriam The funeral for Margaret Armstrong Astor is held in Grace Church. Mourners include Schuyler, Van Buren, Van Rensselaer, Cruger, Gallatin, the Alexander Tunney Stewarts, Governor Edwin D Morgan, "and many other leading citizens." - The New York Times
1876/11/00 Louis Fleischmann Work Louis Fleischmann opens the Vienna Model Bakery (lost) on Broadway at 10th, just to the right of Grace Church. Every day, 210 men bake 15,000 loaves of Vienna Bread in 13 large ovens. Vienna Bread
1882/04/12 Annette Wetmore Markoe Bride At age 20, Annette Wetmore weds Major William B Wetmore, age 33, at Grace Church, New York, New York. Marriages of Annette Wetmore Markoe
1882/04/12 William Boerum Wetmore Groom Annette Wetmore, daughter David Wetmore and Caroline E Bixby, marries William Boerum Wetmore at Grace Church, New York, New York. Marriages of Annette Wetmore Markoe
1892/00/00 Grace Church establishes a vested choir of men and boys and builds a boarding school to house and educate the boys.
1895/00/00 Louis Fleischmann Benefactor Finding hungry tramps standing over the grating at his Bakery (lost), Fleischmann gives bread to the men. "The breadline grew until at night as many as 500 loaves were handed out to the men.... In winter coffee was given with the bread," NY Times Vienna Bread
1899/10/05 Alice Duer Miller Bride Alice Duer marries Henry Wise Miller at Grace Church Chapel in New York City.
1900/00/00 Mary Lincoln Isham Vocation Mary Lincoln Isham serves as choir mother of Grace Church in New York City.
1904/10/24 William Woodward of Belair Stud Groom Elizabeth Ogden Cryder, daughter of Elizabeth Callender Ogden and Duncan Cryder, marries William Woodward, at Grace Church in New York City.
1904/10/24 Elsie Cryder Woodward Bride Elizabeth Ogden Cryder, daughter of Elizabeth Callender Ogden and Duncan Cryder, marries William Woodward, at Grace Church in New York City.
1961/00/00 Grace Church ends the practice selling pews. "this is God's house, any person should be free to enter it and sit wherever he might choose."

Data »

Particulars for Grace Episcopal Church, New York:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sociology Breadline
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Church Related Residence
Architectural Style Gothic Revival
Level of Significance National
Owner Private
Historic Use Religious Property
Building Material Westchester, Inwood marble

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 28th June 1974

Registry Name: Grace Church and Dependencies
Registry Address: Broadway, 10th St., and 4th Ave.
Registry Number: 74001270
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architect: Renwick,James,Jr.
Architectural Style: Gothic revival
Area in Acres: 1
Contributing Buildings: 2
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property
Period of Significance: 1825-1849
Significant Year: 1843, 1846
Historic Function: Religion
Historic Sub-Function: Religious structure, Church related residence
Current Function: Religion
Current Sub-Function: Religious structure Church related residence

Creative Works »

The Age of Innocence (book) Novel Edith Wharton looked out at the brownstone houses across the street, and thought of his desk in Mr Letterblair's office, and the family pew in Grace Church,

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