Steen Valetje

  • Also Known As: Atalanta Estate

  • Address: 89 Eden Knoll
  • Vicinity: Off River Rd, N of NY 199
  • Type: Mansion
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

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Steen Valetje


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1848/00/00 William Backhouse Astor Sr Father of the bride William B Astor gives 95-acres of the southernmost portion of his estate, Rokeby, as a wedding present to his daughter Laura E Astor and her husband Franklin H Delano. Mr Astor will give 5 more acres after the mansion is completed.
1849/00/00 Franklin H Delano Home Construction begins on a large, brick, Tuscan-style mansion with its square tower for Franklin and Laura Astor. The Astors live at they lived at Laura's childhood home in New York, the Astor House on Lafayette Place
1849/00/00 Hans Jacob Ehlers Landscape Architect The Delanos hire Hans Jacob Ehlers to design the landscaped gardens at "Steen Valetje".
1850/00/00 Laura Astor Delano Home Steen Valetje is completed for Franklin and Laura Astor. The old iron gates, estate walls, and the park landscape remain for this era.
1873/00/00 Henry Astor III conveys 142-acres next to Steen Valetje to his sister, Laura Delano.
1875/00/00 Franklin H Delano Home Franklin Delano buys the 254-acre Feller-Benner farm, immediately to its south of Steen Valetje. The Delanos raise prized Norwegian ponies and Aberdeen Angus cattle. Aberdeen Angus Beef
1883/00/00 Laura Astor Delano Home After Franklin's death at Monte Carlo, Laura stays in Europe and gives Steen Valetje to her nephew, Warren Delano IV, President of the Delano Coal Company.
1884/00/00 Jean Walters Delano Home Warren Delano IV and his wife Jennie Walters Delano move into Steen Valetje.
1884/00/00 Warren Delano IV Home Warren Delano make a home at Steen Valetje where he breeds horses.
1906/00/00 Warren Delano IV Breeder Warren Delano imports a stallion and six mares of the Fjord horse breed from the mountainous regions of western Norway.
1920/10/00 Warren's eldest surviving son, Lyman Delano, inherits Steen Valetje. Lyman, living here with his wife Leila Burnett, has the residence remolded in the Georgian revival style and renames it "Mandara".
1949/00/00 Eleanor Roosevelt Visitor Eleanor Roosevelt visits Lyman Delano's widow. Steen Valetje "has more real charm and sense of being a house where people have lived ... than some houses where you have a feeling that a perfectly impersonal decorator was called in to hang the curtains" ER
1967/00/00 A year after the death of Leila Delano, Mandara is bought by financier William Stix Wasserman who's remodel of the estate includes removing three brick towers and the wooden verandahs.

Data »

Particulars for Steen Valetje:
Historic Use Animal facility
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Animal Horse
Building Type Mansion
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

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