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Grand Central Terminal

  • Type: Railway Station
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1900/08/18 Collis P Huntington In Memoriam A special train, consisting of two cars with Huntington's immediate family and his most intimate friends, leaves Grand Central station a few minutes after noon in charge of Assistant Superintendent Van Tassel. Funeral of the Late C P Huntington
1904/02/00 Reed and Stem Architect Warren and Wetmore agree to work with Reed and Stem as associated architects for Grand Central Terminal
1904/02/00 Warren and Wetmore Architect Warren and Wetmore agree to work with Reed and Stem as associated architects for Grand Central Terminal
1913/02/02 New York Central Railroad Owner Grand Central Terminal opens, built in sections from 1903-1913.
1916/01/04 Louisa Reed Bryant Bride Louise Bryant meets up with John Reed on a train platform at Grand Central Station in New York City. She moves in with Reed in an apartment off Washington Square in Greenwich Village. Marriages of Louise Bryant Reed
1920/11/04 Ogden Mills Widower A special train from Grand Central Terminal carries Ruth Livingston Mills funeral party to Hyde Park. Death of Ruth Livingston Mills
1953/05/31 Silvia Plath Traveler Laurie Totten, a junior at Syracuse University and fellow Mademoiselle guest editor, and Sylvia Plath arrive at Grand Central station.

Data »

Particulars for Grand Central Terminal:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Art
Sight Category Building
Area of Significance Business
Area of Significance Commerce
Area of Significance Engineering
Criteria Exemplar
Level of Significance National
Owner Private
Area of Significance Railroad
Historic Use Railway Station
Area of Significance Transportation

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 17th January 1975

Registry Name: Grand Central Terminal
Registry Address: 71--105 E. 42nd St.
Registry Number: 75001206
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architect: Warren and Wetmore; Reed Stem
Architectural Style: No style listed
Area in Acres: 3
Contributing Buildings: 1
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Commerce, Engineering, Art, Transportation, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Period of Significance: 1900-1924
Significant Year: 1903, 1913
Historic Function: Transportation, Commerce, Trade
Historic Sub-Function: Rail-related, Business
Current Function: Commerce, Trade, Transportation
Current Sub-Function: Rail-related Business

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