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Old Fort House


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1755/00/00 Gen Phineas Lyman establishes a fort on the site of the ruins of old Fort Lydius. Construction of the new fort is supervised by Cap William Eyre and it is named Fort Lyman after General Lyman. Marker is at 67 Broadway, Fort Edward, NY.
1755/09/08 Chief William Johnson leads 1,500 troops and 200 Mohawks led by Mohawk chief King Hendrick, against Dieskau and 1,500 French and Canadian forces and Natives on the road between Fort Lyman and a British camp on the southern end of Lake George. Battle of Lake George
1755/09/08 Capt Joseph Bent Massachusetts Captain In a ravine 3 miles south of the village of Lake George, Col Ephraim Williams' 200 Mohawk braves and 1,000 troops from his Massachusetts Regiment and Col Nathan Whiting's Connecticut Regiment are ambushed by French forces. Battle of Lake George
1755/09/08 Moses Porter Died Moses Porter, a Captain of a regiment commanded by Colonel Ephriam Williams, is killed in the "Battle of Bloody Morning Scout" near Lake George, New York. Battle of Lake George
1755/09/21 Sir William Johnson changes the name of Fort Lyman to Fort Edward. At this time a large military hospital complex is constructed on what is now known as Rogers Island.
1755/12/15 Brig Gen Peter Gilman Military Col Peter Gilman's battalion departs Fort Edward and returns home to New Hampshire. Battle of Lake George
1772/00/00 Patrick Smyth builds a house with timbers taken from the ruins of Fort Edward, a fortification from the French and Indian War.
1776/00/00 During the Revolutionary War, the Smyth house operates as a tavern, serving such notables as George Washington, James Monroe and Baroness Von Reidesel.
1828/12/25 Solomon Northup Groom Anne Hampton, a woman of color of African, European, and Native American descent, marries Solomon Northup at his lodgings in 1828 or 1829. Twelve Years a Slave Marriage of Anne Hampton and Solomon Northup
1828/12/25 Anne Hampton Northup Bride Anne Hampton, a woman of color of African, European, and Native American descent, marries Solomon Northup at his lodgings in 1828 or 1829. Twelve Years a Slave Marriage of Anne Hampton and Solomon Northup

Data »

Particulars for Old Fort House:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Courthouse
Criteria Exemplar
Area of Significance Exploration-settlement
Architectural Style Federal Style
Architectural Style Greek Revival
Historic Use Restaurant
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 15th September 1983

Registry Name: Old Fort House
Registry Address: 29 Lower Broadway
Registry Number: 83001826
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Local
Architectural Style: Greek revival, Federal
Area in Acres: 4
Contributing Buildings: 1
Non-Contributing Buildings: 3
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Exploration-settlement, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Period of Significance: 1825-1849, 1750-1799
Significant Year: 1772, 1773, 1839
Historic Function: Domestic, Government, Commerce, Trade
Historic Sub-Function: Courthouse, Single dwelling, Restaurant
Current Function: Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Museum

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