

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1759/02/00 Crown Point fort is built next to the destroyed French Fort St Frederic by the British army under the command of Sir Jeffery Amherst following the capture of Carillon, a French fort to the south (renamed Ticonderoga).
1759/10/00 Col William Haviland of the 27th Regiment takes command and continues work on the fortifications. Amherst returns to winter quarters in New York City.
1760/09/00 As part of a three-pronged attack on Montreal, Col William Haviland leads British troops northward from Crown Point. He joined Amherst and Murray in Montreal at the capitulation of Canada in September 1760.
1763/00/00 After the Treaty of Paris, construction ends at Crown Point, leaving the New Officer's Barracks unfinished.
1773/04/21 A chimney fire in the soldier's barracks spreads to the pine shingles of the barracks and the squared log walls of the fort. The fire burned for three days, destroying the main fort.
1774/05/00 British military engineerJohn Montresor reports "the conflagration of the late fort has rendered it an amazing useless mass of earth only".
1775/03/00 In the spring of 1775, the 26th Regiment begins constructing John Montresor's design enlarging Crown Point's Grenadier Redoubt.
1775/05/11 Seth Warner American Commander Patriots led by Seth Warner capture Crown Point. Capture of Fort Ticonderoga
1775/05/15 Benedict Arnold American Commander Arnold and Allen arrive at Crown Point to salvage items that had not been removed after the fire: 111 cannons (65 were usable), tons of shot and musket balls. The majority of the cannons transported by Henry Knox to Boston came from Crown Point. Noble Train of Artillery
1775/06/13 Great numbers of the Canadians have expected a visit from us for some time, and are very impatient of our delay, as they are determined to join us whenever we appear in the Country with any force to support them. - Arnold letter to Continental Congress Benedict Arnold's Expedition to Quebec
1776/00/00 Benjamin Franklin Diplomat Franklin Commission visits Fort Crown Point. Franklin's Mission to Canada
1776/00/00 Continental Navy American Navy Benedict Arnold uses Fort Crown Point as a staging ground by for the Colonial navy on Lake Champlain Battle of Valcour Island
1776/06/00 Smallpox claims the lives of several dozens soldiers of the "Army of Canada" each day at Crown Point. Smallpox Vaccine
1776/06/00 The American retreat of what remains of the "Army of Canada" reaches Crown Point, but remain under attack by small pox. United Colonies' Invasion of Quebec 1775
1776/07/00 Continental Army's general officers (Schuyler, Arnold, Horatio Gates, John Sullivan and Baron de Woedtke) decide to move the main body of the army from Crown Point to Mount Independence and the sick and wounded to Fort George at Lake George.
1776/08/00 Benedict Arnold American Commander The American naval fleet constructed at Skenesboro assemble at Crown Point, and after rigging and outfitting proceed northward under the command of Benedict Arnold in anticipation of a British invasion.
1776/10/13 Benedict Arnold American Commander Arnold runs his ships aground in a bay near Panton, VT , burns them and returns overland to Crown Point. Battle of Valcour Island
1776/10/14 British discover Fort Crown Point abandoned. Battle of Valcour Island
1777/00/00 A magazine and a hospital were constructed at Crown Point.
1778/00/00 1778-1779, Major Christopher Carleton stages a series of raids on American Settlers in the Champlain Valley where a number of prisoners are taken to Canada.
1783/07/21 George Washington Visitor George Washington visits Crown point.
1784/00/00 Under the terms of the Treaty of Paris which ended the war, the British abandon Crown Point and withdraw to Canada.

Data »

Particulars for Fort Crown Point:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Cultural Affiliation English Colonial
Criteria Exemplar
Structure Type Fortification
Military Event French and Indian War
Cultural Affiliation French Colonial America
Area of Significance Historic and non-aboriginal
Sight Category Historic District
Criteria Information Potential
Area of Significance Military
Level of Significance National
Owner Private
Owner State

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 24th November 1968

Registry Name: Fort Crown Point
Registry Address: Crown Point Reservation, SW of Lake Champlain Bridge and NY 8
Registry Number: 68000033
Resource Type: District
Owner: Private, State
Area in Acres: 1180
Contributing Buildings: 2
Contributing Sites: 5
Contributing Structures: 1
Other Certification: Designated National Landmark
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Nominator Name: National Historic Landmark
Level of Significance: National
Area of Significance: Historic and non-aboriginal, Military, Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering, Information Potential
Cultural Affiliation: French,military, English,military
Period of Significance: 1750-1799
Significant Year: 1759, 1760, 1773
Historic Function: Defense
Historic Sub-Function: Fortification
Current Function: Agriculture, subsistence, Landscape
Current Sub-Function: Park Agricultural outbuildings

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