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Fort Humboldt


Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1853/00/00 Fort Humboldt, situated on a bluff overlooking Humboldt Bay, is established to assist in conflict resolution between Native Americans and goldminers and settlers who have begun flooding into the area after the discovery of gold in the northern mines.
1853/01/05 Ulysses S Grant Military Ulysses S Grant reports for duty at Fort Humboldt, California.
1853/04/11 Ulysses S Grant Military The isolation of Fort Humboldt does not appeal to Grant, and after serving as commanding officer of Company F for six months, resigns his commission.
1853/08/00 Ulysses S Grant Military Secretary of War Jefferson Davis (who would become the president of the Confederate States of America) officially notifies Grant that he has been promoted to captain and reassigns him to Fort Humboldt, California.
1870/00/00 Fort Humboldt is formally abandoned in 1870 and rapidly falls into decay. Today, only the hospital building remains of the original fourteen structures.

Data »

Particulars for Fort Humboldt:
Protected Attribute Historic Park
Sight Category Site

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 8th September 1970

Registry Name: Fort Humboldt
Registry Address: Unknown at this time
Registry Number: 70000927
Resource Type: Site
Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Current Function:
Current Sub-Function:

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