

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Robert H Robertson Architect
George H Provot Architect
1938/11/04 Eric Pape Health Eric Pape suffers a heart attack while walking along Eighth Avenue near Fortieth Street in New York City and is taken to City Hospital on Welfare Island.

Data »

Particulars for New York Savings Bank:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Historic Use Financial Institution
Architectural Style Neoclassical
Owner Private

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 7th January 2000

Registry Name: New York Savings Bank
Registry Address: 81 Eighth Ave.
Registry Number: 99001657
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architect: Robertson, R.H.; Provot, George H.
Architectural Style: Classical revival
Contributing Buildings: 1
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Architecture
Applicable Criteria: Architecture-Engineering
Significant Year: 1896, 1897, 1930
Historic Function: Commerce, Trade
Historic Sub-Function: Financial institution
Current Function: Commerce, Trade
Current Sub-Function: Specialty store

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