Martin Luther King Jr Historic District (Boundary Increase)

  • Vicinity: Roughly bounded by Freedom Pkwy, John Wesley Dobbs Ave, Decatur St, Southern RR tracks and I-75,85
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Historic District



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Martin Luther King Jr Significant name
Aiken and Faulkner, et al. Architect
Agnew, A.P. Architect
Dobbs, John Wesley, et al Significant name

Data »

Particulars for Martin Luther King Jr Historic District (Boundary Increase):
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration Birth place or grave
Cultural Affiliation Black American
Area of Significance Commerce
Area of Significance Community Planning and Development
Area of Significance Education
Criteria Exemplar
Owner Federal
Sight Category Historic District
Area of Significance Industry
Architectural Style Italianate
Area of Significance Landscape Architecture
Historic Use Multiple dwelling
Level of Significance National
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Professional
Architectural Style Queen Anne
Area of Significance Religion
Historic Use Religious Property
Historic Use Restaurant
Historic Use Retail shop
Historic Use Single dwelling
Area of Significance Social History
Historic Use Specialty Store
Area of Significance Transportation

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 12th June 2001

Registry Name: Martin Luther King, Jr. Historic District (Boundary Increase)
Registry Address: Roughly bounded by Freedom Pkwy., John Wesley Dobbs Ave., Decatur St., Southern RR tracks, and I-7585
Registry Number: 00000741
Resource Type: District
Owner: Private, Local, Federal
Architect: Agnew, A.P.; Aiken and Faulkner, et al.
Architectural Style: Queen anne, Italianate
Attribute: et al.
Area in Acres: 280
Contributing Buildings: 480
Non-Contributing Buildings: 79
Contributing Sites: 1
Contributing Structures: 1
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: National; Local
Area of Significance: Black, Social history, Community Planning and Development, Commerce, Architecture, Religion, Landscape architecture, Education, Industry, Transportation
Applicable Criteria: Event, Person, Architecture-Engineering
Criteria Consideration: Religious property, Birth place or grave
Significant Year: 1853, 1906, 1917
Associated People: King, Martin Luther, Jr.; Dobbs, John Wesley, et al
Historic Function: Domestic, Commerce, Trade, Agriculture, subsistence, Industry, processing, extraction, Religion, Education, Social
Historic Sub-Function: Religious structure, Multiple dwelling, Professional, Single dwelling, Department store, Restaurant, Specialty store
Current Function: Religion, Education, Recreation and Culture, Domestic, Commerce, Trade, Funerary, Industry, processing, extraction
Current Sub-Function: Single dwelling Multiple dwelling Department store Specialty store Professional Restaurant Religious structure

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