Longwood Farm Bed and Breakfast
- Also Known As: 054-0326
- Address: 924 Longwood Dr
- Vicinity: S of Louisa Rd
- Place of Louisa in Gordonsville, VA
- Phone: 540-832-3247
Constructed circa 1859, Longwood embodies the classical architectural features and characteristics associated with the Greek Revival style of architecture, which was dominant during the mid-l9th century in America.' The Greek Revival style is considered by many to be the first genuinely American architectural style,' and was widely popularized at the time by carpenter's guides and pattern books that illustrated fashionable designs and recommended appropriate construction materials. Longwood is a product of the philosophy and aesthetic ideals associated with this important period in American history. Today, Longwood remains situated on just over 120-acres of rolling countryside in rural Louisa County, Virginia. Although Longwood is not located within the boundaries of downtown Gordonsville proper, its context is closely linked with the town's rich history, as well as that of the historic Green Springs area of Louisa County. Longwood meets National Register Criterion C in the area of Architecture as an excellent, well-preserved example of domestic Greek Revival architecture in a rural setting. - NRHP, 6 December 2000