

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1892/00/00 A 8,000 Sq ft Tudor-style house is built at 940 Nantasket Ave.
1915/00/00 John F Fitzgerald Home Honey Fitz buys 940 Nantasket Ave to use as a summer home.
1915/05/00 Joseph P Kennedy Home Joseph and Rose Kennedy, rent a two-story summer cottage a mile from 940 Nantasket Ave, at 201 Beach Avenue on the corner of C Street.
1915/05/00 Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Home Joseph and Rose Kennedy, rent a two-story summer cottage a mile from 940 Nantasket Ave, at 201 Beach Avenue on the corner of C Street.
1915/07/25 John F Fitzgerald Grandfather Honey Fitz sprints into the Beach Ave house from the strand to see his grandson. He immediately calls the Boston papers saying "Is he going into politics? Well ... he is going to be President of the United State...."
1915/07/25 Joseph P Kennedy Jr Born Rose gives birth to her first son, Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr in Hull, Massachusetts, in an upstairs room of a rented house at 201 Beach Avenue at C Street.
1915/09/19 Joseph P Kennedy Jr Faith Joseph Patrick Jr is baptized at the recently finished St Ann's Catholic church at 208 Samoset Avenue Hull, MA.
1920/07/00 John F Kennedy Home Young Jack and the Kennedy clan summer in Hull at 940 Nantasket Ave. Pencil marks remain on a living room wall that mark JFK's and his brothers and sisters heights during their summer visits.

Data »

Particulars for Hull Shore Drive, Nantasket Avenue District:
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Area of Significance Conservation
Historic Use Conservation Area
Area of Significance Engineering
Area of Significance Entertainment - Recreation
Criteria Exemplar
Sight Category Historic District
Area of Significance Landscape Architecture
Historic Use Natural Feature
Historic Use Outdoor recreation
Historic Use Park
Historic Use Road-related
Owner State
Area of Significance Transportation

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 21st January 2004

Registry Name: Hull Shore Drive, Nantasket Avenue, Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS
Registry Address: Hull Shore Dr., Nantasket Ave.
Registry Number: 03001470
Resource Type: District
Theme Group: Metropolitan Park System of Greater Boston MPS
Owner: State
Area in Acres: 6
Contributing Structures: 2
Non-Contributing Structures: 1
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: State
Area of Significance: Architecture, Conservation, Engineering, Entertainment-recreation, Landscape architecture, Transportation
Applicable Criteria: Event, Architecture-Engineering
Historic Function: Transportation, Landscape, Recreation and Culture
Historic Sub-Function: Road-related, Natural feature, Outdoor recreation, Conservation area, Park
Current Function: Landscape, Transportation, Recreation and Culture
Current Sub-Function: Outdoor recreation Park Natural feature Conservation area Road-related

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