Babb-Piegan, Montana, Inspection Station
- Also Known As: Piegan Apartments also 24GL1075
- Also Known As: Piegan Border Station and Quarters
- Address: US 89
- Vicinity: US - Canada Border
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
Y/M/D | Person | Association | Description | Composition | Food | Event |
Brown, A. Paul | Architect |
Particulars for Babb-Piegan, Montana, Inspection Station: | |
Area of Significance | Architecture |
Criteria | Architecture-Engineering |
Sight Category | Building |
Historic Use | Customhouse |
Criteria | Exemplar |
Owner | Federal |
Historic Use | Multiple dwelling |
Level of Significance | National |
Architectural Style | Park Service Rustic |
Area of Significance | Transportation |
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