

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1735/00/00 Carter Burwell Owner Evergreen land is owned by Carter Burwell, part of his 2,000 acre portion of his grandfather King Carter hugh Bull Run Track.
1735/00/00 Robert Carter I Owner Evergreen land is owned by Carter Burwell, part of his 2,000 acre portion of his grandfather King Carter hugh Bull Run Track.
1756/10/26 Carter Burwell Owner Mary Burwell inherits Evergreen from her father, Carter Burwell.
1802/00/00 Lewis Berkeley Home Lewis Berkeley inherits land from his father Edmund Berkeley IV and mother Mary Burwell of Middlesex County. He divided his land into several small tracts and the 1,064-acre Evergreen Plantation.
1827/00/00 Lewis Berkeley Home The Evergreen Manor House is built for Lewis Berkeley.
1853/00/00 Edmund Berkeley Home Upon the death of his father Lewis, Edmund Berkeley inherits Evergreen Manor.
1862/11/05 Mary Berkeley, wife of Edmund, houses Haymarket refugee families in the mill workers' homes on Evergreen plantation. They stayed on, sewing uniforms for Confederate soldiers. Burning of Haymarket by Union Troops

Data »

Particulars for Evergreen Plantation Manor House:
Architectural Style American Colonial Revival
Area of Significance Architecture
Criteria Architecture-Engineering
Sight Category Building
Architectural Style Greek Revival
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling

US National Registry of Historic Places Data »

Accurate at time of registration: 27th March 2008

Registry Name: Evergreen
Registry Address: 15900 Berkeley Dr.
Registry Number: 08000247
Resource Type: Building
Owner: Private
Architectural Style: Greek revival, Colonial revival
Area in Acres: 4
Contributing Buildings: 1
Other Certification: Date received-pending nomination
Certification: Listed in the National Register
Level of Significance: Local
Area of Significance: Architecture, Military
Applicable Criteria: Person, Architecture-Engineering
Significant Year: X 1827, X 1940
Associated People: Berkeley, Edmund
Historic Function: Domestic
Historic Sub-Function: Single dwelling
Current Function: Vacant, not in use
Current Sub-Function:

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