

Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1685/00/00 The First Church in Weymouth builds a parsonage for the Reverend Samuel Torrey, minister of The First Church in Weymouth at the corner of North and East Streets, 300 feet to the southeast of its present location.
1738/00/00 Rev William Smith (Congregationalist) Home Reverend William Smith buys 'Torrey Mansion' the First Church in Weymouth parsonage.
1740/00/00 Elizabeth Quincy Smith Home Elizabeth Quincy Smith makes a home with Rev William Smith.
1740/04/14 Mary Smith Cranch Born Elizabeth Quincy Smith, wife of William Smith Jr, gives birth to a daughter, Mary, in Weymouth, Massachusetts Colony.
1744/11/22 Abigail Smith Adams Born Elizabeth Quincy Smith, wife of William Smith Jr, gives birth to a daughter, Abigail, in an upstairs room in the parsonage of North Church.
1759/07/00 John Adams Life In the summer, Richard Cranch takes John Adams to meet the Smith sisters: Mary, Abigail and Elizabeth. John will find the ladies neither "fond, not frank, nor candid."
1761/00/00 Reverend William Smith has a sizeable addition (lost) constructed on the house to accommodate visiting family and students under his care.
1764/10/25 John Adams Groom In the living room of the Weymouth Parsonage, Rev William Smith unites in holy matrimony his daughter, Abigail Smith, with John Adams of Braintree. Marriage of Abigail Smith and John Adams
1764/10/25 Rev William Smith (Congregationalist) Minister In the living room of the Weymouth Parsonage, Rev William Smith unites in holy matrimony his daughter, Abigail Smith, with John Adams of Braintree. Marriage of Abigail Smith and John Adams
1764/10/25 Abigail Smith Adams Bride In the living room of the Weymouth Parsonage, Rev William Smith unites in holy matrimony his daughter, Abigail Smith, with John Adams of Braintree. Marriage of Abigail Smith and John Adams
1775/10/01 Elizabeth Quincy Smith Died Elizabeth Quincy Smith dies from smallpox in Weymouth, Norfolk County, MA. She is buried in Old North Cemetery, 126 Norton St, North Weymouth, MA. Smallpox Vaccine
1783/09/17 Rev William Smith (Congregationalist) Died Reverend William Smith dies in Weymouth, Massachusetts. He and his wife are buried in the Old North Cemetery, Weymouth. Daughter Mary inherits the family residence.
1788/00/00 Mary Smith Cranch Home Mary Smith Cranch sells the Smith homestead to the Reverend Jacob Norton.
1789/00/00 Elizabeth Cranch, daughter of Mary Smith Cranch, marries Reverend Jacob Norton. They will live in the house until he leaves Weymouth in 1823.
1826/00/00 The First Church buys the Norton Residence to be used as its first owned parsonage.
1838/00/00 Nathaniel Ford drags by oxen the 1685 Abigail Smith Adams birthplace a mile north to his farm on Bridge Street in North Weymouth. For the next century the building, with a rear addition, it will house farm workers.
1838/00/00 Parish members vote to replace the dilapidated parsonage. The Smith addition is torn down and the 1685 section is sold. Some of the lumber is salvaged and used in the building of the new parsonage, which is now a private residence at 8 East Street.
1947/05/01 The Town of Weymouth provides a triangular parcel of land at the junction of North and Norton Streets for the sum of one dollar.
1947/07/13 Frank Chouteau Brown Architect Abigail Adams Birthplace is dedicated. Restorations include 1100 hand-wrought nails, floor boards from Fort Independence in South Weymouth, kitchen beams and panels from a tavern in Hingham, bricks from streets near the Old North Church, Boston.
1947/10/00 Frank Chouteau Brown Architect Abigail Adams Birthplace is sawed squarely in half and moved along with foundation stones to its present site at North St and Norton St.
1951/00/00 Amy Hill Duncan solicits bricks from all the surviving first ladies, resulting in bricks from the Mrs Coolidge, Roosevelt, Truman, and Wilson being used in the hearth of Abigail's room.
1958/00/00 John F Kennedy Visitor Senator John F Kennedy visits the Abigail Adams Birthplace and presents the organization an autographed copy of "Profiles in Courage". Profiles in Courage (book)


First Church Parsonage, Weymouth

Data »

Particulars for Abigail Adams Birthplace:
Area of Significance Historic and non-aboriginal
Attribute Moved property
Level of Significance National
Criteria Person
Owner Private
Historic Use Single dwelling
Sight Category Site

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