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The White House

  • Hours: Call to make arrangements
  • Phone: (202) 456-1111
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building

The President of the United States lives in a National Park

Every president except George Washington has called the White House and its surrounding grounds his place of work, rest, and solitude. Recognizable the world around, the White House stands as a symbol of democracy. The White House and its park grounds serve not only as the seat of the executive branch of government of the United States of America, but also as an iconic place for civil discourse. - NPS

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The White House
White House Blue Room
White House Cabinet Room
White House East Room
White House Executive Residence
White House Green Room
White House North Portico
White House Oval Office
White House Private Quarters
White House South Portico
White House Yellow Oval Room


Y/M/D Description Composition Place Locale Food Event
1792/07/00 James Hoban wins the competition to design the President's House, The White House. White House Executive Residence The White House
1795/00/00 The Central portion of President's Palace, built 1792-1800, is planned and constructed under the personal supervision of President George Washington. White House Executive Residence The White House
1800/11/01 John Adams and his wife move into the unfinished brick and stone shell of the White House. The basement, containing work and chamber spaces for cooks, housekeepers and servants, probably seems more inviting than the principal rooms. White House Executive Residence The White House
1801/04/00 Thomas Jefferson opens the White House to the public in the spring of 1801. White House Executive Residence The White House
1807/00/00 Thomas Jefferson creates a museum in the Entrance Hall of the White House, hanging artifacts brought back by Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and Zebulon Pike, that tell about the mysterious west that fascinates the public. White House Executive Residence The White House Lewis and Clark Expedition
1814/08/23 As British troops near, Dolley saves the 8 ft tall Stuart portrait of Washington. Bolted to the wall, she has the frame broken and the canvas rolled up. Two men from New York take it for safe-keeping. Dolley flees with the important papers. George Washington (Lansdowne) White House Executive Residence The White House Battle of Bladensburg
1814/08/24 British troops enjoy feasting on White House food using the presidential silverware and china before burning the President's House. White House Executive Residence The White House Battle of Bladensburg
1815/00/00 The White House's weakened walls are dismantled to the basement level on the E and W sides and on the N except for the central section. Most of the carved trimming, with scorch marks, was re-used. Almost all this was lost during the Truman rebuilding. White House Executive Residence The White House
1817/10/00 President James Monroe moves into the new White House in the autumn of 1817. White House Executive Residence The White House
1824/11/23 Lafayette arrives in Washington, DC where he is received at the White House by President James Monroe. White House Executive Residence The White House Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1825/09/06 Lafayette celebrates his 68th birthday at a White House banquet with President John Q Adams. White House Executive Residence The White House Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1825/09/07 A tearful Marquis de Lafayette embraces President John Quincy Adams after delivering a farewell speech at the entrance to the White House. White House North Portico The White House Lafayette's Triumphal Tour of America
1826/11/13 Dr Parmely presents himself as a dentist and President Adams takes the opportunity to have a decayed tooth drawn. Parmely also scaled off tartar from Adam's lower front teeth, and urged the drawing of another tooth, which Adams postponed till tomorrow. White House Executive Residence The White House

Data »

Particulars for The White House:
Area of Significance American Politics
Sight Category Building
Occupation Attribute US President

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