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Ludlow-Parish Houses

  • Address: 6 and 8 E 76th St
  • Vicinity: 5th Ave
  • Travel Genus: Sight
  • Sight Category: Building



Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
Y/M/D Person Association Description Composition Food Event
1896/00/00 Parish and Schroeder Architect Ludlow-Parish Houses built for Edward and Margaret Ludlow and Susan and Henry Parish
1905/03/17 Rev Endicott Peabody Officiant Eleanor Roosevelt marries Franklin Roosevelt in New York Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
1905/03/17 Theodore Roosevelt Gave away the Bride Eleanor Roosevelt marries Franklin Roosevelt in New York Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
1905/03/17 Eleanor Roosevelt Bride Eleanor Roosevelt marries Franklin Roosevelt in New York Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
1905/03/17 Franklin D Roosevelt Groom Eleanor Roosevelt marries Franklin Roosevelt in New York Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt
1905/03/17 Isabella Greenway Bridesmaid Eleanor Roosevelt marries Franklin Roosevelt in New York Marriage of Eleanor Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt

Data »

Particulars for Ludlow-Parish Houses:
Sight Category Building

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